Concerning 1914, for those who are interested, "Reasoning from the Scriptures," is an excellent read, especially on page 234, heading The Last Days. All should have this book. Even the witnesses.
Detailing those who are alive in that generation of 1914 we would see the ending of this world's system. Have we? No. Yet the Watchtower states it's the Creator's promise. Is this promise from Jehovah Himself? Or is it the Watchtower's idea of a joke? You figure it out.
Jehovah is the same, today, yesterday, and forever......Saying this one should ask about 1874, 1914, 1919, 1925, 1941, 1975, and guess what? 2034...........
We listened after the first failed prophecy.....then the one concerning 1914......then 1975 and about Adam and Eve on 1975....Now do we sit and listen to the great wonderful powerful wizard....or watchtower.
So..stop here..and if by chance you have or a friend has a copy on, "Reasoning from the Scriptures," page 234, sub heading, "Last Days," read it.
So we are suppose to be in the new system with the anointed who lived in the 1914 generation..oh yeah, haven't died yet, in a perfect world. Doesn't it seem we are still at war? Maybe it's should be invisible as said the watchtower as Christ's return invisible.
"so Christ was offred once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him. He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation."-----Hebrews 9:28-----