More On 'That Debases'

by chris1525 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • chris1525

    Probably the only talk that interested my, apart from the one on masturbation. Apologies to you guys that take alot of stuff on this site seriously an dare truly intersted in Christianity etc. I am very irreverent. Suppose it's my way of dealing.

    But back to the point. Why did it take until the early 1980's for the Big J to let the Org know that we shoul dbe burning our 33's and 45's (showing my age)? When quite clearly popular beat combos had been singing about sex, drugs, sex, the devil, sex, demons, sex, naughty things, sex, putting hidden messages about sex, drugs & sex in songs etc for years. To quote some obvious examples:

    The Beatles - Would their songs have been half as good if they weren't mashed off their tits all through the 60's?

    Led Zep - Hidden messages in Stairway to Heaven

    Queen - Again hidden mesages, songs about sex, The Devil, sex. And "apparently it's good to smoke marijuana". And a lead singer who took it up the marmite motorway.

    The Rolling Stones - Apparently they had sympathy for Old Nick but he seems to be doing Ok to me.

    Elvis - Jailhouse Rock, just about the gayest song I've ever heard.

    And there are 1000's more.

    Get switched on Big J and org... stop these outrages before people get to enjoy them!!

  • chris1525

    Should have been 'More on MUSIC That Debases', must learn to check before I press the 'submit' button. And here is my post minus the mistakes:

    Probably the only talk that interested me, apart from the one on masturbation. Apologies to you guys that take alot of stuff on this site seriously and are truly intersted in Christianity etc. I am very irreverent. Suppose it's my way of dealing.

    But back to the point. Why did it take until the early 1980's for the Big J to let the Org know that we should be burning our 33's and 45's (showing my age)? When quite clearly popular beat combos had been singing about sex, drugs, sex, the devil, sex, demons, sex, naughty things, sex, putting hidden messages about sex, drugs & sex in songs etc for years. To quote some obvious examples:

    The Beatles - Would their songs have been half as good if they weren't mashed off their tits all through the 60's?

    Led Zep - Hidden messages in Stairway to Heaven

    Queen - Again hidden mesages, songs about sex, The Devil, sex. And "apparently it's good to smoke marijuana". And a lead singer who took it up the marmite motorway.

    The Rolling Stones - Apparently they had sympathy for Old Nick but he seems to be doing Ok to me.

    Elvis - Jailhouse Rock, just about the gayest song I've ever heard.

    And there are 1000's more.

    Get switched on Big J and org... stop these outrages before people get to enjoy them!!

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey chris, welcome to the board!

    my answer would be that because the upper crust at bethel live under a rock. they call it the rock of jah, i call it the rock of ignorance. whatever, the point is that they just don't get it.

    the whole "new light" doctrine is funny. like you mention, why would jehovah wait so long to give new light? is it because we can't handle the truth? i doubt it. if he had just given them accurate info from the start, they could be the most powerful organization on earth, saving billions of lives from this old world. as it turns out, it's just a farce. of course, they are not alone in the comedy.

    look forward to seeing you around,



  • metatron

    Let's set the record straight on Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven"

    The phrase that supposedly says "My Sweet Satan" ( utter nonsense) is nothing more than the part of the song that

    says "There's still time (to change the road you're on)"- played backwards. Baloney! (I checked using audio equipment)


  • greendawn

    The new light always appears at a time that is most convenient for the org and the GB eg there was new light that marked 1975 as the end and many people got manipulated into giving everything to jah's service. The new light is a tactic of manipulation and control.

  • BluesBrother

    This issue always got my goat in my days as a dub. I realised even then that they were parroting the stuff put forward by other "fundamentalist" Christian groups . As for subliminal messages? Come on ...

    I would never have asked anyone to get rid of their records - If they did perhaps they could have given them to me

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