The World Wide Church of God has always had a lot of similarities with the WTBS here is a article of interest
Chess Great Bobby Fischer's Cult Experience
by theotherside 6 Replies latest jw friends
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ARMSTRONGISM Church members shouldn't let themselves be confused. They begin not trusting in their own judgment, and then they're finished. That's a terrible, terrible thing. First, they get conducted in with a nice sweet program, no money, everything free, free, free. And then they get sucked in, and suddenly a few lies get mixed in. They are told that their human nature is wicked and these nice people who gave them all these things wouldn't be lying to them, would they? And then I think once you start distrusting your own mind you're finished. From there you just get more and more confused. Once you think that your own mind is not your friend any more-your own conscience and your own mind is not your friend-then I think you are on your way to insanity. You have been stripped bare. All your defenses are gone. You must trust Armstrongism, his ministers, doctrines, and organization. Otherwise you're going in the wrong direction, and you know where that leads.
Herbert Armstrong claims to be freeing you from the world's churches, freeing you from all the trash you've heard all your life. He's freeing you, and finally you're coming to know the truth that will set you free, free, free, and the next thing you know you are really a zombie. You are completely under the power of Armstrongism. Good luck... you're going to need it.
sounds alot like jdubs 2 me
"Herbert Armstrong keeps encouraging people to give up everything for the kingdom, but why doesn't he set the example himself"
I was looking through some of his old co-worker letters-so phony, you know. He talks about this world and how evil it is and all, but actually he's really of this world with all these high-pressure sales tactics. That's exactly the stuff he talks about-the stuff he was doing as a kid that he supposedly outgrew. For example, he continuously tries to frighten and panic you in his coworker letters about the supposed imminent end of the world-so that you will empty your bank account before him. Articles in old Plain Truths tell you that you haven't much time to develop character to prepare for Christ's return-to take the last train to sanity by joining Armstrongism. The idea is constantly drummed into your head that you must obey God=Armstrongism before it's too late. You must decide now. Time is running out .... This kind of super high-pressure salesmanship leads people to make rash decisions, based on fear, often made against their better judgment. This is the very essence of Armstrongism (i.e., fear, panic, guilt).
He is even more advanced than Madison Avenue because he is willing to give you his literature indefinitely almost, whereas the Madison Avenue people kind of want that quick return. He is much more insidious because he's combining the most powerful and evil techniques of everybody .... This guy is voracious. He never quits on you. He wants you. You can turn against him completely and he would still want you back. He'd still want your mind. He never gives up on getting your mind.
Oh, man, he keeps encouraging people to give up everything for the kingdom, but why doesn't he set the example himself? He plays on your emotions. That is what he does. He pretends that he is trying to get away from that. That's what "the world" does. They play on your emotions and weaknesses, but he plays on them the worst. There is no depth at all in his spiritual approach.
People have committed suicide under the tremendous barrage of Armstrongism's subtly induced feelings of self-hate and hopelessness for this life.... Like he tells you to be interested in the next life, but he's interested, in this life very much.
Really, people are just getting one side of this whole story all the time from Herbert Armstrong. He's so convincing, you know. I don't think anybody has a more convincing style than he. This Armstrong-I was thinking if you had to think of one word to describe this guy, if you could only use one word, I would use "dangerous."
The only thing that refutes his style is true facts-hard facts.
WHAT CHURCH BRETHREN MEAN TO ME I like church people. I don't really feel these are bad people. But Herbert has exercised this power and authority over the church people for years. He knows that no matter what he says, they keep coming back for more. Have you noticed the people around the college and church? They are all very immature. Everybody, no matter how young or old, stays immature. And they get back so little for all that they give. Here in Pasadena, the employees do all right because they are on the receiving end of donations from all the people in the rest of the country. But "out there" the local church people get nothing back-except bad advice and co-worker letters.
I'm not even going to say that all the doctrines of the church are necessarily bad and that members should reject everything. That is not my point. My point is that they should be thinking for themselves.
In the Eric Hoffer book, True Believer, the greatest danger to an authoritarian organization like the WCG is when the authority is relaxed a bit-they ease up on the people a bit. Then, the true believers begin to lose their fear. Most people are sheep, and they need the support of others. With enough people like us, the people will see they are not alone. Then it can be just like an avalanche.
Well, I know what Armstrong is going to say [in reaction to this interview]. He'll say, "His [chess] career is finished. He's bitter." Or, "He's disturbed. He was a fringer. He was never with us."
It's all so sad, though. It's very tragic because it's just the opposite of what we got into it for.
Anyway, I can't imagine anybody not having their minds cleared after reading your publication. Our mind is all we've got. Not that it won't lead us astray sometimes, but we still have to analyze things out within ourselves.
Your conscience-God gave you that conscience. He had to give you protection from this evil world. He gave us our minds. We can think!
I think its remarkable that this whole cult was eventually converted and its leadership admitted it had been wrong and apologised for the years of damage done and prayed for forgiveness. An amazing story! If only Watchtower were next.
Nathan Natas
I had no idea that Bobby Fisher was with Armstrong: this is a fascinating story, and I think it coould be useful to JWs, if it was presented in a "Did You Know Bobby Fisher the Chess Master was a Member of a Cult?"-type way.
Thanks for posting it. I've saved the article.