My sister had to borrow some money, around $500 from this “brother” which she was going to return of course. But she was getting married, and dub said "well you don’t have to return that money it is your wedding gift." Needless to say she was really happy and drilled my mind about JW being good people. (oh yes he said that in front of group of other dubs which made him look like a real ace)
Anyho, today he turned up at the door, I said can I help you. Well he wanted my sister and beside couldn’t talk to me (because of “obvious” reasons)
So sis came out:
Here is the conversation:
BRO: you know XXXXX about those $500 you owe me?
SIS: yes, what’s the problem?
BRO: well, it is about the time for you to return what you owe me, I have my own thing to pay to you know.
SIS: well, oh, ok.
ME: didn’t you give her that money for her wedding?
BRO: well, hm,
ME: man you gave you word.
BRO: yes but I’ve had change in circumstances
SIS: its ok
ME: no it’s not ok, I thought when Jehovah’s Witness gives his word that is it just as Jesus said.
BRO: Well, something changed.
ME: so what you've said before wasn't the truth then?
BRO: Yes it was. But things changed…
ME So what you’ve said back then was only a “current truth” was it and as soon as you’ve had “new light” you could change it at will. Unfortunately for XXXXX that sounds only like a new lie now.
BRO: no it wasn’t lie
ME: oh just shut up.
SIS: Its ok brother YYYY I’ll tell CCCC (her husband) to get some money from ATM when he comes home tonight.
Imagine that….
Did you ever have similar experience?