apostate fortune cookies...

by in a new york bethel minute 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    my buddy gave me an idea for subtly apostasising... any other subtle ways you can think of?


  • greendawn

    Put up an apostate site on the net to add to the many already existing without the jws knowing anything about who pays for it to be there.

  • Jourles

    Fortune cookies? Unfortunately, if you were my mother(I'm not sure if she still does this or not), she would crack open the cookie and IMMEDIATELY wad the paper fortune up into a little ball to throw away. She would make me do the same thing.

    This is the same mother who wanted me to look away from any 4th of July fireworks because they were nationalistic. Other fireworks displays during any other time of year was OK though.

    Jesus, how did I end up sane?

  • upside/down

    No "goody good Dub" that's worth his salt, would dare look at something as blatantly demonic as a fortune cookie...

    Have you ever seen the "dirty" fortune cookies...? You usually have to ask for them... quite funny.


  • katiekitten

    What about printing counterfeit tracts with just ever so slight alterations to the wording, to make the sentiments a bit more apostate.

    Oh, I forgot, theyve been doing that themselves for years.

  • DannyBloem

    What I am going to do is use there own nosyness. They love gossib. So, I will make sure that I will drop personal letters around abd in the convention hall. THey will surely read this. It will contain some fake problems I have (with whatever) and then references to the UN scandals etc. Written like a more or less severe JW, who seeks out why these things are not told to hm.

    Ok, maybe a bit of a lie etc, but am used to this now. And witlesses always leave there magazines everywhere in the hope they will be read...


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i come from a hardcore jw family... an example for all in the hall... but we always read our fortunes from the fortune cookie, just for fun. wow, now i know i had it pretty good. i was also allowed to at least look at the fireworks even when it was a national celebration... i was just rolling in freedom wasn't i???


  • rebel8
    What about printing counterfeit tracts with just ever so slight alterations to the wording, to make the sentiments a bit more apostate.

    I set out to do that a few months ago, but I couldn't get past my fears of being sued for copyright violation....valid fears indeed. I was planning to drop them off at laundromats and such, just like when I was a pretend pioneer. I named my brochure after one of the dub brochures and was going to use a cover design extremely similar to theirs.

    So instead I put up a web site. I've shared it with a lot of my friends and the word has spread. I've gotten a lot of anti-witnessing done. There are already tons of similar sites out there, but the more, the better. If you google jw keywords, you get mostly "apostate" sites now. That's the beauty of having so many sites. What about putting up little notices on community bulletin boards? In my area grocery stores and such have bulletin boards where you can post anything you want. I'm thinking of going around putting up small posters with something eye-catching, maybe with little rip-offs at the bottom containing web addresses. It would have to be something not too controversial, or the store will take it down. Something like, "Cults in our Community", or "Biblical Stance on Blood Transfusions", then list web sites to visit. Silent Lambs has a poster up on their site that can be downloaded.

    There is someone on another forum that recently did her own door-to-door ministry with pamphlets she made herself. She talked to 50+ people!

  • orangefatcat

    Oh my god fortune cookies, gee my parents were so hard core JWS we were never allowed to even eat a fortune cookie let alone read the fortune.

    Yes I agree, how is that any of us are sane today..


  • Netty

    Took me a while after fading to be able to read a fortune cookie. Now, its fun! Especially if evertyime to read your fortune, you add the following: "in bed" or "in the sack". Try it.

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