Has anyone attempted to pull out a JW family member? Especially a JW who was raised in the oganization!!
JW family
by goldie 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
My sister is a JW but it's pointless to bring her out since she's got all her social circle there and they are not fanatical jws, to them being in the org is like belonging to a social club they don't really take the org seriously.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.... If a person is happy being a JW then there is no reason to leave. I know the truth about the truth and have experienced many injustices from within the orgnization. I don't leave because I know the same things exist to a greater degree outside the organization. A person will leave the organization though if something the organization does (injustice, elders, etc..) hurts them badly enough.
Hi Goldie and welcome! What is the situation? Has the family member been baptized? Sometimes they were raised but never baptized? Is he/she married, is the spouse a JW? There are many factors.There are people here who have success stories, but I think they are the minority. I was never a JW, but a good friend of mine who had a sister in tried for years to show her some things and finally had to accept and love her sister, and leave religion out of their conversations, in order to remain friends. It was very hard for her to do. Surprisingly, one of the sister's kids left the JW when he grew up and married. The Mom still keeps contact with him, he is not shunned at least. So that is a good thing.
I'd like to hear more about your situation.
I was a third generation JW. All of my family, aunts uncles, grandma, cousins are all Jehovahs Witnesses. I have four younger brothers. My younger brother was disfellowshipped before I left. After uncovering all the lies and the deception of the WTS, I showed showed my disfellowshipped brother. Even being disfellowshipped he didnt want to belive it either!! Eventually he came around after showing him actual publications and actual bibles where they had changed the words, or outrightly lied. He was shocked!! My brother is no longer a Jehovahs Witness. My youngest brother is now looking. There is hope! Jehovahs Witnesses are very print orientaded, make sure you show him/her the actual publications if you have them, or at least print them off photocopies with the references where they can go to the Kingdom Hall library and see for themselves. Once they see the pattern of lies and deceptions the WTS will fall down like a house of cards. VERY IMPORTANT!! --> Make sure you somehow show it to them as if you were wondering if this is true. DO NOT act as though your showing them, make them show you. Jehovahs Witnesses are trained to be the teacher, not the taught. phrase things with key words like : Can you HELP me? I have a QUESTION I was wondering about? Is this true? Did the WTS really print this? a JW will shut down when you begin to show them or try to convince them that THEY are WRONG. whatever you do try not to come off as an apostate. or a opposer, they will no longer listen to you, and your oppertunity to talk with your JW loved one will be cut off.
Hi Goldie, nope, never tried that per se. But I have had a talk or two about the wrongness of the whole JW cult, with no success I might add. I am curious what makes you ask though. I am sure there is a story behind your question?
I was the oldest and first one to leave the KH. I was allowed no contact with any of my siblings. Which was hard, cause I had raised them. But one by one, every couple years one would "wake up", move in with me. It's taken 15 years, but I found out last winter, my baby brother has left. I am SO grateful! Next month I get to send him his first "happy birthday". And both of our parents--still in the borg, and can't figure out why out of 5 kids, no one will have much to do with them. Let's not talk about being sexually molested for years! I did have the priviledge of crashing an elder's meeting. Without any warning, my stepdad and the elders got my sister to a meeting in the back room. They were trying to be sneaky, so I won't find out. They were in for a rude awakening. I went into the back room. (It was summer, I was alot skinnier--the shirt I wore was very, very sexy.) While they were drooling, I marched Kerry out of the meeting, then cut loose on the elders. I did it without raising my voice, but I made sure it cut like a knife. those were the days,............. shelley
Hi I am trying that now. But this is not a very easy thing.
Just some advice. Do not go for the big hit at once. They will just label you 'apostate' and do not talk or at least not listen to way to say. Many JW's have the hait if ignoring all they do not like.
So try to find out what they think about some things. Maybe they do not like a elder or something. (you can then ask if he is not appointed by holy spitit then?) Or they have problems with some teaching in specific. Be very very subtle.