The Feb2001 KM has this in the "announcements":
"The secretary should see that the Regional Building Committee is kept up-to-date on the status of all baptized publishers who have submitted Kingdom Hall Volunteer Worker Questionaire (S-82) forms. When there are adjustments in a volunteer's status, such as when one moves or is appointed as a ministerial servant, or elder, new forms should be filled out promptly and submitted. If a volunteer's MAILING ADDRESS or TELEPHONE NUMBER changes, or if he is no longer in good standing in the congregation, the ELDERS should IMMEDIATELY inform the Regional Building Committee by letter."
(Caps added)
What is the real intent behind this announcement? Elders to go into immediate action over an address change? I think not. Now JWs don't merely have to worry about the locals spreading their personal problems around, but now everyone in the circuit and beyond will know as soon as you have a prob.