Prepping for a Far-Off Armageddon?

by outnfree 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree

    This little item from the 08 Sept 2001 Awake! caught my eye, making me think that as the "generation" ages and the Tower becomes more and more mainstream, the need for Armageddon to come soon "to bring to ruin those ruining the earth" may not be so urgent:

    'Overpopulation' a Myth?
    "Amazing as it may seem, the entire population of the world can be housed in the U.S. state of Texas," reports Vitality magazine. According to the article, the current United Nations estimate of the world's population is about six billion people, and Texas has a land area of some 262,000 square miles. The amount of living space per person would therefore be more than 1,217 square feet. "A family of 5 would thus occupy more than 6,085 square feet of living space. Even in Texas, that's a mansion," says Vitality. Meanwhile the rest of the world would be completely empty, available for all of mankind's agricultural, manufacturing, educational, and recreational activities!"

    These thoughts come to mind:

    - Those witnesses who have been dreaming of mansions in the New System apparently have got it right -- if only six MILLION Witnesses remain, imagine the size of THEIR houses after those carrion birds do their work!!!

    - But would they WANT to live in Texas? I mean, there are some nice parts, but a LOT of it is quite dusty and hot, or MUGGY and hot (think Galveston, people!) I mean it IS supposed to be paradise we're talking about here...

    Just musing here, folks!


    edited to "quote" the article properly

  • Moxy

    hmm, my first thought is that this is info that could be used to update the terribly out-of-date resurrection speculative calculations from the Aid book. the 3%/per annum of 20 billion, acre per person one (something like that)

    of course, we all know from the paradise pictures that each house will be seperated from any other house by something like 100 miles in all directions...


  • nytelecom1

    outnfree you are the biggest idiot in the world!! How dare you!!

    But would they WANT to live in Texas? I mean, there are some nice parts

    there are no nice parts in Texas : )

  • Billygoat

    Hey! I take that personally! I am not originally from Texas - moved here about 4 years ago - and I LOVE it! And I'm orginally from Hawaii. There's a bumper sticker I've seen that says "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could". That's me!

    What's good about Texas?

    1. Southern hospitality
    2. Awesome BBQ
    3. Fast drivers
    4. Great country music
    5. Best Mexican food without going to Mexico
    5. Clean highways
    6. Shinerbock
    7. Dallas Stars
    8. Saying "ya'll"
    9. Very affordable standard of living
    10. Gorgeous Southern Men!!!

    I personally can't see myself living anywhere else in this lovely country!

    My .02,

    Billygoat - a proud transplant!

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    HI Moxy,
    There is no mass resurrection to earth in the Millenium to come. There is only ONE hope but two destinations and neither one involves this particular world.

  • ros

    I would be surprised if they ever intentionally fade away from trying to present a sense of urgency for the end of the world. People are much more productive when they think it will affect their own life. It has always been so profitable for the organization. For example, when Fred Franz merely suggested a possibility of 1975 in the 1960s, it exploded into a frenzy. Once the Organization saw how profitable it was, they kept it going and even fueled the fire.

    So, when there was a falling away following 1975, what did they do? They had a house-cleaning at Bethel in 1980 and claimed the falling away between 1975-1980 was due to apostacy at headquarters.

    No, I don't think they are likely to let go of the sense of urgency for the end of the world until they are ready to 'cash in their chips' to phrase it in 'apostate' terms.

  • nytelecom1
    What's good about Texas?

    hey you forget the large breasted blonde woman!!!

    I saw that "God Bless Texas" music video....mmmmmmmmm

  • Farkel

    : There is only ONE hope but two destinations and neither one involves this particular world.

    You'll have to help me out here, Rex. I think one of those "destinations" you are talking about is "Heaven," right?

    Would the other one be "Oklahoma," by any chance?

    Don't break my heart and tell me it is not Oklahoma, but "Montana," Rex. That might make me an atheist and you wouldn't want that, would you?


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