In the news: Jehovah's Witnesses - Who are they and what do they believe?

by Elsewhere 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Jehovah's Witnesses - Who are they and what do they believe?

    Unlike in the case of Christians who are persecuted in other lands for talking about Jesus Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses are largely persecuted for following the teachings of their corporate headquarters.

    The deadbeat Watchtower corporation pays no municipal taxes on their buildings, without even one charity to compensate the community.

    Jehovah's Witnesses at your door -- who are they?

    The Watchtower is Big money, being one of the top 40 New York City Corporations making nearly one billion dollars a year. That's just from one of their many corporations.

    Jehovah's Witnesses follow the teachings begun during the second presidency of the Watchtower, when Joseph F. Rutherford took over in a corporate flap and began changing doctrines quickly in the Watchtower belief system. He claimed that angels directly conveyed "truth" to some of those in leadership. He coined the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" to make them stand out from being witnesses of Jesus, a typical evangelical expression (and a Biblical one).

    Rutherford dumped holidays, birthdays and the 1874 date for the invisible return on Christ, and invented an "earthly class" of Witnesses, since only 144,000 can go to heaven according to their teaching. The rest, meaning all 99.9% of Witnesses still alive, will live forever on a cleansed earth, under the rule of the Watchtower corporate headquarter leaders in heaven, who will keep them in line by local elders known as "princes."

    If you have been "witnessed to" by Jehovah's Witnesses and you reject their message, you will likely die "shortly" at Armageddon with all the other non-Witnesses, since theirs is the only true religion, and (if they can live up to all the rules) they are the only ones to inhabit this "new earth." If you believe Witnesses seem rigid now, any non-conformist during the future "cleansed earth" will be directly destroyed by their god. Even now a Witness will be disfellowshipped (excommunicated) for any one of many gaffs, such as smoking, taking a blood transfusion, or even voting.

    To even vocally question the teachings of the Jehovah's Witness organization will result in complete cutting off, with family and friends usually being forbidden to talk to them. The Watchtower is a truly Orwellian world, in a time when Orwellian societies are nearly obsolete.

    In his "Adams Versus God," Melbourne broadcaster Phillip Adams said in 1985 that, according to US studies, "Jehovah's Witnesses are more likely to be admitted to psychiatric hospitals than the general population".

    "According to an article in the British Journal of Psychiatry," he said, "they are three times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia and four times more likely to be paranoid schizophrenics.

    "As a writer in the American journal Free Inquiry puts it: 'Either the Jehovah's Witness sect tends to attract an excess of pre-psychotic individuals who may then break down, or else being a Jehovah's Witness is itself a stress that may precipitate psychosis. "'Possibly both of these factors operate together ...'"

    References: ( type in a search word to find articles easily ) ( latest news on the child abuse lawsuits against the Watchtower )

    About the author Danny Haszard: Former Jehovah's Witness X 33 years and 3rd generation. Now a counter-cult educator. My home page, WATCHTOWER WHISTLEBLOWER:

  • mrsjones5



  • rocketman

    Any jws reading this will see the credit and dismiss it as axe-grinding.

    Nevertheless, he makes some good points, and it's nice to see the article picked up by a news site.

  • Mary

    Holy crap!! What a good article!! Too bad there wasn't more like this around...........I wonder what Witnesses will think when they read this.....after all, there isn't anything in there that isn't true............

  • sf

    Jehovah's Witnesses wage legal war to suppress dissenters on the Internet

    As a result of repeated legal threats from the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (the international headquarters of the Jehovah's Witness sect) beginning in January, 2005, the personal website was shut down for five days in late May.

    While the Web site is currently back in operation, it is unclear where the legal dispute will go from here.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have taken great pride in publicizing their past legal battles, some even in front of The Supreme Court of the United States, to secure their right to publish and distribute their religious literature and to proselytize publicly and from door to door in America.

    They are quick to make it known that the benefits of their "legal" efforts on behalf of "freedom of expression and religion" have by extension protected these same rights for many other people and organizations.

    However, apparently the current leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses does not believe that these hard won rights extend to those who disagree with them or their teachings and activities. Under the guise of protecting their publication copyrights, their legal representatives were successful in shutting down a web site that did nothing more than quote excerpts from various Jehovah's Witness publications. The brief quotes catalogued at the site fell well within the realm of “fair use,” even under the strictest interpretation of copyright law.

    So then, why would Jehovah's Witness leadership want to shut down a Web site that did nothing more than quote from their own religious literature? Because the very nature of these quotations is embarrassing to them.

    From their own words the web site documented years of their failed prophecies, constantly changing Bible chronology, flip-flopping doctrinal changes, bizarre medical advice, and dogmatic teachings that many consider physically and emotionally harmful.

    For example, one of the most recent additions to the collection is Witnesses' 1932 claim that the "theory of gravity" is thoroughly in error and that electrical forces, instead, hold the planets in orbit and hold everything down on the earth's surface -- a remarkably ludicrous claim, even when compared to the limited scientific knowledge of the 1930s. Also included were quotations demonizing the Internet, the Media, the United Nations, and other non-Witness entities as 'tools of the Devil.'

    Obviously, the sect would rather these embarrassing writings be quietly ignored or entirely forgotten, and they are willing to resort to legal threats and pressure to make it so.

    The registered owner of the aforementioned domain and designer of the web site, is a former member of the Jehovah's Witnesses religion.

    After years sincerely believing the claim of the Witnesses' leadership to be 'God's sole channel of communication to mankind,' the owner was heartbroken to find that he had not been taught the truth about the religion's history and the development of their current beliefs.

    In a spirit of scholarship, research, and fairness he created the web site to accurately document the Witnesses' own self-incriminating words.



  • kazar

    Wow! I am so impressed by these posts. You all are so intelligent and tenacious in your exposures of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Thanks for all the info.

  • DannyHaszard

    The time has come,it's all apostate news all the time now,GGLD:2005-10,GGLD:en&tab=wn&ie=UTF-8&q=Jehovah+witness click me

    A popular script the WT loved to hurl at "apostate Babylon the great" during the Rutherford years "Thou hath sowned thy wind and now ye shall reap thy whirlwind"

    Don't ya just love it?Cheers,Daniel Haszard Bangor Maine in their face in cyberspace

  • sf
    Results 1 - 10 of about 372 for Jehovah witness

  • sf

    Damn, click on google 'images' under same search words:,GGLD:2005-10,GGLD:en&tab=ni&ie=UTF-8&q=Jehovah+witness&sa=N

    Results 1 - 20 of about 1,270

    Found some very interesting sites that sometimes only comes up by clicking 'images'.


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