I had another member of my family die, I was not close to her. She was a baptized dubber that had left many years ago, but defended the cult to the death. no pun intended. When her son and family went to ask D. schroder if Vicky could have him do the eulogy at the funeral home, they were turned down. She was living with a man for the past 10 years. My question is dose any one pref. an elder know what the position of the society is on giving eulogy's for people who are not current dubbers? To clarify this a little more, where is the line, do you have to be in good standing and going to meetings? time in service? what about people who just go to memorial and are in good standing? people who have not attended any meetings for the last 2 years? or is it people who are not living the life that can be seen from the elders prospective? I.E. smoking, living out of wedlock,ect.? I will tell you one thing this does more to make people look critical at the society than all the ranting I could ever do. I was wondering why my wife's family have not visited her in 3 years, and I now know that I am considered df'ed or at least self dis'a'ed, Well fuck them in the mouth. I could give a shit. they are the sweat of dead men's balls. I have moved on and up. But I am still wondering about the reasons that they can not preformed service at a non dubber funeral?
Funeral Question
by kilroy2 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
When my grandma died 25 years ago, a local elder have her eulogy in the funeral home. And she didn't even pretend to like the JWs. In our area, it is basically who needs a funeral eulogy or wedding service & how well they are connected to any of the powers that be. I would do whatever you feel is necessary for yourself. Make them sweat some. It's your blood family--don't let them think that you don't belong there. I think I'd have to consider a cross wreath of flowers, to be delivered at the very last moment.
I do remember that the talks at a wedding or funeral only get personal for a minute or two. They always turn into a public lecture about something stupid.I wonder what they'd do if a family member got up, behind the podium, and do their own eulogy??!!
in a new york bethel minute
not to make light of the situation kilroy, but can i use some of the expressions in ur post? they were money!
bethel, feel free. thanks
A friend from my teen years who was df'd many times, commited suicide this past year (she was df'd at the time). The funeral was at the local funeral home. The eulogy (Sunday Sermon) was given by an elder from a nearby congregation. He mentioned her name once then the rest of the time was spent talking about things totally unrelated to her.
Kilroy2, you have a pm
Vickie's unbelieving partner, went to a catholic church when he took her down state to see the specialists,
he talked with a priest and told him the situation and that he was not catholic, the priest said that it did not matter, and that if he wanted he would pray with Dennis.
Now can you put this together and get the sick picture that the dubs have painted?
A catholic priest prayed with another human that was in distress, but a dubber would not talk with a person dieing when asked.
What kind of sick fucks would do such an unconscionable deed?
If I am wrong and god does exist, they will surly burn in hell.
The gall of these assholes makes me sick, I have told every one in the area that will listen. Schroeder has the brains of a bag of hammers, but that is no excuse to do this.
Was it not the ps, and sads that jumped Jesus for eating with harlots and tax collectors?
Sounds like the dubbers are nothing more than modern day phars. and sads. or just plain assholes.