that was released at the district convention this year??
Anyone know any info about the new tract...
by princesslele44 6 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome Prinsesslele44,yes that has been posted somewhere here . Now let's see where is it
Can someone find the New Tract for Princesslele, i can't seem to locate it but remember reading it ,,,,,,,,,Thanks
IThinkISee Official Summary of New Tract:
It's stupid.
what would ou like to know = I got my allocation of 10- copies
what would ou like to know = I got my allocation of 10- copies
lol... my plan too... let me have one for my sick brother, my mother, all 12 elderly friends traveling with me.... Or, just go to the literature desk and say you are ther to pick up your congregation's supply... And put it in your trunk...
welcome princess, what's the new tract about?