Jehovah Witnesses Live in a Conflicting Environment (link)

by Bryan 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Bryan

    Jehovah Witnesses Live in a Conflicting Environment

    For over 125 years the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society has been proclaiming the end of the world is nigh. It is to be replaced with a New Order where only those espousing their beliefs will live. Originally the founder, Charles Taze Russell of Pittsburgh, PA stated that 1874 was the supposed invisible return of Christ (a teaching borrowed from the early Adventists), followed by a 30-year "harvest" of the chosen few who would rule with Christ. They were to be taken to heaven in 1914, which remains today a pivotal year in the Jehovah's Witness' teachings.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • kls

    Good find Bryan ,makes you wonder what they need all that money for when the end is so near.

  • sf

    For those leary of opening any link from an apostate site (i know, i know, that's an oxymoron):

    End of the World Near? Watchtower Builds Luxury Properties

    Published on: June 24th, 2005 11:34pm by: Randall Watters

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    Jehovah Witnesses Live in a Conflicting Environment

    For over 125 years the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society has been proclaiming the end of the world is nigh. It is to be replaced with a New Order where only those espousing their beliefs will live. Originally the founder, Charles Taze Russell of Pittsburgh, PA stated that 1874 was the supposed invisible return of Christ (a teaching borrowed from the early Adventists), followed by a 30-year "harvest" of the chosen few who would rule with Christ. They were to be taken to heaven in 1914, which remains today a pivotal year in the Jehovah's Witness' teachings.

    After Russell's death in 1916, Joseph "Judge" Rutherford maintained that the end was near, even penning a book called "Millions Now Living Will Never Die," and predicted the resurrection of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in 1925:

    "After 1925 expect shortly Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.. No doubt many boys and girls who read this book will live to see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Daniel, and those other men of old come forth in the glory of their better resurrection, of perfect in mind and body. It will not take long for Christ to appoint them to their post of honor and authority as his earthly representatives. The world and all the present conveniences will seen strange to them at first, but they will soon become accustomed to the new methods. They may have some amusing experiences at first; for they never saw telephones, radios, automobiles, electric lights, aeroplanes, steam engines, and many other things so familiar to us." ("The Way To Paradise", 1924, p. 224-6)

    A large mansion in San Diego was built for the returning patriarchs and was even deeded to them. The mansion stands today in San Diego as a reminder of their expectations, but was sold in the 40s after the prediction was seen as a failure. Yet the Watchtower Society continued to build in Brooklyn, expanding their smaller headquarters to contain several large properties in the exclusive Brooklyn Heights section next to the Brooklyn Bridge. In spite of several failed prophecies for the end of the world, the last disappointment being the year 1975, the Watchtower is a multi-billion dollar landowner all over the world. Income from their New York City corporation (one of many they own) is one of the top 40 in New York City, with just under $1 billion per year.

    Not content with owning large blocks of properties and a 30-story residential building in Brooklyn, the Watchtower Society is planning to build a large 20+ story complex in DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass), a trendy neighborhood that is not happy with their plans. states in their Dec. 6, 2004 article, "Jehovah's Witnesses On Track to Colonize Dumbo":

    "Despite the vigorous protestations of the Dumbo Neighborhood Association, plans for a massive Jehovah's Witnesses HQ at the three-acre plot at 85 Jay Street in Dumbo/Vinegar Hill have been approved by the City Council's zoning subcommittee. Reports the Post, the 20-story building 'will house about 1,600 of the religion's faithful working at the Witnesses' Brooklyn Heights headquarters. There are currently about 3,500 people living in DUMBO.' "
    A watchdog organization called 85 Jay ( was formed to oppose this major influx of non-taxpaying residents, who want the project scaled down and altered to at least reflect part of the local community instead of having another huge religious dormitory like the large factory and residential buildings already dominating Brooklyn Heights.

    Why So Much Construction When the End is Near?

    Currently Jehovah's Witnesses are attending summer conventions all over the world, and part of the scripted assembly program is focused on this "time of the end" we are living in. One play drama focuses on not worrying so much about getting a higher education because the "end is near," and time would be better spent going door-to-door and gaining converts. (Oddly, less than 5% of Witnesses get involved due to their door-to-door work). This comes at a time when the number of Witnesses among more educated countries is dropping, sustained only by their own birth rate. Why are so many buildings being erected when the numbers are down and Witnesses are apathetic about pressure to do more? Even Meeting attendances are reported to be considerably down in many areas of the United States and Europe and even Japan, one of their former showcase countries.

    It could be the need to invest money in property to ensure that as the numbers of converts decrease, the organization will survive. Or it could be an advance move to make sure their are enough funds to cover the ongoing litigation over child abuse scandals now mounting. ( The large payouts the Catholic Church has made in the last few years over pedophile priests and those who cover them up has Watchtower attorneys worried for similar reasons. This is largely due to a "biblical dictate" that says in order to take action against any allegations of sexual misconduct or pedophilia there must be "two witnesses" to the alleged crime. Since that is rarely the case in the real world with pedophiles, large numbers of them have been left unpunished and go unreported, even though the elders and the leaders of the Watchtower Society often have knowledge of such allegations, and in fact have covered over many confessions of sex abusers - not wanting adverse publicity on their organization. This "ecclesiastical privilege" means that the Witness coming to your door to talk about the Bible may in fact be a known pedophile among his elders but has never been prosecuted by the sect OR the law, and they are out there talking to your children. Some even continue to hold responsibilities in their respective congregations; the organization feeling that if they have "repented of their sins," there is no need to notify the secular authorities, for "Jehovah" is the judge of men's hearts and not "worldly" people. The law firm of Love and Norris ( is currently seeking prosecution for several such cases among the Witnesses, hoping to build a class-action suit that will force the Watchtower to change its policies (they are still holding to the "two witnesses" rule). The Watchtower Society is building all of their new properties to be easily converted into luxury apartments should the need arise. They already have several large properties up for sale in this multimillion dollar neighborhood. Buy low and sell high! But if the end is near, Why?

    Randall Watters is president of Free Minds, Inc., a non-profit organization acting as a watchdog for the Jehovah's Witness sect, also known as the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. Randall was a Jehovah's Witness for eight years, from 1972 to 1980, and served as an elder and factory overseer at the Watchtower headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. Mr. Watters resigned in 1980. For more than 20 years he has educated the public about this sect. He resides in Manhattan Beach, Calif.



  • wiegel

    harumph........once again, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander. I know that many of us can remember (not that long ago) how we didn't invest in property, ie BUY A HOUSE!, because it showed a lack of faith in the nearness of the ubiquitous end, and posed a financial responsibility that may detract from spiritual activity. How many are still "renting", have no health ins, no life ins, no retirement, and are too old or sick to get any of these things now? If you are under 30, you probably aren't personally suffering these repercussions, you may even have gone to college, and might have decent careers. But there is a sh*t load of older folks who are spending their "golden" years in poverty and suffering. And wtf is their "mother" when they really need her? She is buying and selling and building more buildings to house her "worker bees".....leaving the "spent" members to forage on their own. They CERTAINLY believe in investing, and they CERTAINLY know how to do it well. One would think they could share this wealth and write a few articles on "how to" buy and sell AND live forever. Among all the reprehensible deeds this conglomerate has commited, I find this among the worst. love, love, love..................and the r&f are supposed to take the lead from the top? How twisted does your thinking become when you try to quiet all this dissonance?


  • danzfeva

    Trudy - you rock!

  • wiegel

    Thanks, danz, I think you rock 2!!!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    There is one statement you might want to rewrite for clarity, "Less than 5% of Witnesses get involved due to their door-to-door work." Clyde read this at first as meaning that fewer than 5% of witnesses go from door to door. I think you meant that less than 5% go to college.

    I was one of the victims of the "no college" mentality many years ago when I was a new witness. I got great grades in high school, took college preparatory classes, my parents had enough money to pay for four years, plus I lived within five miles of a major university. Because of what I learned at meetings, I decided to just take a two-year course at a local business college. I wanted to take bookkeeping or accounting. Boom! There was an elder at our door (actually he was called Bible Study Servant at the time--one of the three committee members as this was before the current elder arrangement). He told me that I didn't need any college because I was good at taking shorthand and typing and that's all I needed to get a good job. (Back then, shorthand skills were in vogue and sought after by employers). He even dictated a letter to me, had me type it for him, and said I didn't need any more education. I was excellent at spelling and grammar. Gee--our word processing programs have sure made that unnecessary.

    My lack of education made it very difficult during the years my children were growing up to get any kind of work that paid well enough to make it worthwhile. So we lived on my husband's salary that didn't always stretch far enough. My husband is now disabled (but not disabled enough for Social Security disability), and we have to live on my income. Thankfully, I found a wonderful sales job that is meeting our needs, but I have to work a lot of hours to earn enough money to pay for the sky-rocketing cost of health insurance and life insurance plus put money aside for the retirement years that were not supposed to happen.

    On top of that, I had to help my father take care of my mother who was not only an invalid but went into a long period of Alzheimers. That's another story and a half.

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Great article - one I'll save for later. Is it just me or does anyone else find the DUMBO acronym funny!


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Here am I, another victim of the "Don't waste your time in college, just Pioneer" attitude. I went inactive months after baptism but the lingering guilt of being inactive and wanting to "Return" always hung over my head. I traveled to see if this brotherhood really existed. It does, but its a brotherhood based on groupthink. It took me another 15 years of returned "activity" 9 of which as a pioneer, ministerial servant, elder, substitute Pioneer school instructor, blah blah blah, drone, before I said to hell with this. Now I'm attending university to get a degree I should have had when I was 20 something. I'm in my mid to late forties but what the heck, better now than when I'm in a wheelchair or something.

    Dont pioneer, go to school and have a career and be ready to retire. The society aint gonna turn thier dumbo site into a retirement home for old Jdubs with cars that are worn out from collecting addresses all day.

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