Here's a suggestion. Maybe you can use some of the material from our little expedition a couple of weeks ago...
Here's how we got the press involved with the Halifax convention ....
Here's a link to the transcript of Kwin's interview.
Link to the actual interview online if you'd like to view it (it's approx. 1 minute), tks to Jourles.
Possible intro to press release:
[ name of news outlet ]
[ dates ], the [name] arena is hosting a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Most people in the community know them only for their door-to-door ministry, and their stance against taking blood transfusions.
But a recent story reported on by anchor Stacey Jones of Global TV, in Halifax, Nova Scotia on Monday, June __, 2005, suggests the possibility that this Christian sect has a much darker side.
[ use notes from transcript here ]
[ concluding paragraph/sentence ]
- 30 -
it's a thought, and I would be happy to aid in writing.