need info to refute upcoming paper story on convention in town

by orbison11 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • orbison11

    hi all

    just found out that our nice arena we just built is being used for jw conventions for the next 4 weeks, so i know there will be a bit in our local paper

    do any have anything here they may have already posted that may help me -in letter style to editor- to refute the LOVLINESS of the jws at their conventions.



  • RichieRich

    look up member escapedlifer1. Look through his threads. He wrote at least one press release...

  • orbison11

    thanks rr


  • RichieRich

    did you find it? If so, I'm glad. if not, I might can email it to you.

  • talesin

    Here's a suggestion. Maybe you can use some of the material from our little expedition a couple of weeks ago...

    Here's how we got the press involved with the Halifax convention ....

    Here's a link to the transcript of Kwin's interview.

    Link to the actual interview online if you'd like to view it (it's approx. 1 minute), tks to Jourles.

    Possible intro to press release:

    [ name of news outlet ]

    [ dates ], the [name] arena is hosting a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Most people in the community know them only for their door-to-door ministry, and their stance against taking blood transfusions.

    But a recent story reported on by anchor Stacey Jones of Global TV, in Halifax, Nova Scotia on Monday, June __, 2005, suggests the possibility that this Christian sect has a much darker side.

    [ use notes from transcript here ]

    [ concluding paragraph/sentence ]

    - 30 -


    it's a thought, and I would be happy to aid in writing.


  • orbison11

    wow you guys are kool, i am going to bed right now, but i want to research tomorrow as i am sure there will be something in our local paper about this and i would love to write a letter to the editor

    btw, we made front page of the paper regarding the needle exchange situation i talked about a while back

    plus the vancouver province, the big vancouver paper, is coming out for an interview on monday a m and cbc called me to do an interview

    so i am getting use to using the public platforms to get an opinion across,,,,so not like me as i was such a subjective wife :)


  • talesin


    Let us know about the story,,, I would love to see it if it makes the national!!! I'm on the east coast, so local won't do it.

    You have come a long way, baby! Feels soooo good, huh? Good for you. :)

    Submissive ,,, hmmm,,, I seem to have 'forgotten' that term altogether ... LOL!



  • JV

    I was there at your lovely arena orbison, i had a lovely time ( is there a sarcasm emoticon? )

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