Ok, I have to admit I "tweeked" another cartoon a bit.
The end is near!!!
by Elsewhere 9 Replies latest social humour
You mean that really isn't "chicken little"?
When the desire to see the end coming is very strong a tendancy for illusions is inevitable, it's nice to believe that old age, death and disease will end soon, and those that give this "comfort" want their reward for the favour, total control over all spiritual affairs.
Belief is all very well but disease,old age and death do come. Then what happens to belief? Why, it gets some good old new light again. Aren't they lucky...Paradise postponed... Hey Joe, Freddie...whatever your name is...pass me some of that "New Light" my glass is getting empty and I need friend tonight.
Somebody 'splain this one to me.
Somebody 'splain this one to me.
The chicken reminded me of how the WTS is always saying the End is imminent and if you challenge them on this statement they accuse you of being a horrible and evil apostate.
What is it exactly that you don't understand Netty? Potleg of course one has to ultimately pay a price for denying reality and believing in an illusion. All the signs of the end of times proved to be fanciful.
It reminds me of a few lines from "Paranoid Eyes" by Pink Foyd...
...you believed in their stories of fame fortune and glory
now you're lost in a haze of alcohols soft middle age
the pie in the sky turned out to be miles too high
and you hide, hide, hide, behind brown and mild eyes
What is it exactly that you don't understand Netty?
I just didnt get it. Guess if I could tell you exactly what I didnt understand, that would mean that I understood it.
The chicken reminded me of how the WTS is always saying the End is imminent and if you challenge them on this statement they accuse you of being a horrible and evil apostate. ;
Thanks Else. You have a fantastic sense of humor. Sorry, I was a little slow on this one.
That Pink Floyd song apart from being a very nice piece of poetry it is also very apt for the hapless jws that got seduced by the promises of the WTS, promises that are coupled to obedience to the org which makes them slaves to its will: you must, you must, you must.... carry a heavy yoke! There is so much that is forbidden.
Netty I think you grasped it now. I wasn't sure whether you didn't understand the joke itself or our approach to it.