so i threw a party, lots of people showed, i had lots of food and drinks, dad made mixed drinks. met lots of people old and new. i think it turned out great.
i need a stereo next time so i dont have to use these satelite speakers.
the night ended with me talking to this pothead who a chick friend brought.
i conclude jehovahs witnesses would make awesome hippies.
and i totally lied to my mom on my position in her religion so now she supports me. i had to say "im going for jehovah not you."
people wanted my
by tsunami_rid3r 5 Replies latest jw friends
That's better. I like it when you're happy. I'm glad you had a good time.
Glad it all went well es
You sound brighter today. I hope this is the start of things looking up for you honey. Glad to hear you had a fun time at the party!
sounds like you had a good time.
Its nice to relax, aint it?
haha everyone was like is it your birthday. so i said yea, belated birthday.