I was wondering what kind of effect it would have if a letter of dis-association was written and signed with the name of a local JW that is known at the hall. Stating reasons such as the UN thing or the Child Molestation issue. Imagine mailing it to the society with the return adress of that publisher. All hell would break loose !!!!
Great Apostate Fun !!
by Apostanator 7 Replies latest jw friends
hey, now that does sound like fun!
It would probably wind up in the trash as a Apostate sending hate mail .
When you mail it, make sure you mail it, "signature required". There is one way to mail it to where the specified person is the only one that can sign for it, might have to show I.D.!! I'd mail it to the head asshole at the WBTS!
That might get someone's attention!
I'd mail it to the head asshole at the WBTS!
Crazyblonded ain't so crazy,,,,lol
Actually I have mailed about a dozen of these letters to the society at various times. My hope is that the issues that are brought up in the letters would cause the publisher to think. As you know, the society will mail a copy of the letter to that local congregation for the elders to investigate. This is where the fun begins, elders who don't know about the issues will read what they are in the letter. publishers being closely monitored, rumors will go around the congregation. It's all a tactic to cause doubt and to question.
As much as I commend your intentions, I think it's a bit of a harsh prank to play on some poor unsuspecting, unless they're a child abuser that hasn't paid for their crime, or something equally as hideous.
Hi Frog,
You don't have to worry about the innocent unsuspecting JW. I am very selective with who's name I choose to sign along with the return adress when I send the letter to Brooklyn. I have declared War with the Watchtower and this is one of my theocratic warfare techniques that I use. It's all good.