War Of The Worlds Hoax and Jehovah Witnesses Paradise Hoax
Pressbox.co.uk (press release), UK - 8 minutes ago
... and companionship are all controlled by Watchtower rules and regulations, and stepping over critical lines could get a Jehovah's Witness expelled which is in ...
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War Of The Worlds Hoax and Jehovah Witnesses Paradise Hoax!
Added: (Mon Jun 27 2005)
How Were So Many Fooled in 1938? And How Are So Many Being Fooled Today?
'War of the Worlds': Behind the 1938 Radio Show Panic!
When you compare the events of the 1938 radio broadcast by Orson Wells and the practices of the Watchtower Society, you will see corresponding similarities! Why are so many people (fooled) into thinking that the Watchtower Society can be an answer to all of their prayers? Perhaps an answer to that question lies in some of the same (practices) of Radio Broadcast, and little secrets the Watchtower uses on people that they know have been (proven) to work!
The introduction to 'War of the Worlds' broadcast on CBS Radio emphasized that it was based on the H.G. Wells novel. But many people didn't hear that introduction.
Many people who were fooled by the Orson Wells radio broadcast did (not hear) a proper (introduction) that the program was a (hoax). Likewise, the Watchtower Society hides its Paradise hoax and (truthful) past and does (not) give un-suspecting converts a proper (introduction) as to the lies and deceptions of it's history. When a listening house-holder answers their door, do Jehovah's Witnesses tell them (right up front) that celebrating Christmas will be a thing of the past if the house-holder proceeds further?
Having missed the introduction, they found themselves listening to "the music of Ramon Raquello and his Orchestra," live from New York's Hotel Park Plaza.
When un-suspecting JW converts are (not) given a proper (introduction) about the doctrinal flip-flops of the Watchtower, then they are given sweet music called the (milk) of scriptural interpretations that Jehovah's Witnesses are instructed to teach. The Watchtower's Governing Body start to play (soothing) sweet music to their ears. Soon after, the new convert will be expected to (dance to the tune) of Watchtower control.
The dance music was soon interrupted by a series of increasingly alarming news bulletins.
It is not long before the un-suspecting JW convert hears (alarming) news of Armageddon, and how they can survive (only) by being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. And in order for this (new convert) to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he or she must pass through a mountain of rules, regulations, and baptismal questions that dedicate them to the (organization), and not to God!
In 1938, with the world on the brink of World War II, audiences were already on razor's edge.
The Watchtower Society has a well known habit of targeting people who are (already on razors edge), depressed, or on the brink of a nervous break-down, poor, needing help, or who will listen to anyone, offering a (promise) that things can change for the better if they will just listen to their message. The Paradise hoax now starts to appear real to the new convert, because of the (need) to believe in something or (anything), that will provide a crutch to lean on just to survive.
Welles and his company managed to closely duplicate the style and the feel of those broadcasts in their own program,"
The Watchtower Society has managed to falsify and grossly duplicate even the (Holy Scriptures), using it to suit their own agenda. The last time I printed out the Biblical slices and dices the Watchtower has done to the Holy Word of God, I had in my hand some 18 pages of scriptural violations.
There is no doubt that radio held a unique power over its audience. For rural audiences, in particular, it was the primary point of contact with the outside world, providing news, entertainment, and companionship.
There is (no) question that the Watchtower Society is the (primary) point of news and world events for all 6 million members of Jehovah's Witnesses. They are (not) allowed to walk into another church and hear news from there. Entertainment and companionship are all controlled by Watchtower rules and regulations, and stepping over critical lines could get a Jehovah's Witness expelled which is in his or her mind,a death sentence.
Orson Welles knew how to use radio's imaginative possibilities, and he was a master at blurring the lines between fiction and reality.
The Watchtower is also a master of blurring fiction with reality and well aware of the (power) of (imagination), and how this can be used to (control) their members. Here is a statement from the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses on (believing) in the organization, quote:If we have love for Jehovah (and for the organization) of his people we shall (not) be suspicious, but shall, as the Bible says,believe all things that the Watchtower brings out, in as much as it has been faithful in giving us knowledge of God's purposes. (Qualified To Be Ministers/Published in 1955/page-156/). How is that, for using the power of (imagination) to control rank and file Jws? Jehovah's Witnesses (must imagine), to the point of (believing) that the Watchtower has the right to control their lives, or suffer the consequences for disobedience!
"No movie special effects could have conjured up enormous aliens striding across the Hudson River towards the CBS studios 'as if it were a child's wading pool' [in Welles's words] as convincingly as the listeners' imaginations could," Hilmes said.
The Watchtower prides itself in the power of attaching certain descriptive words or phrases contained in their literature, knowing full well these words or phrases will (allow) the (imagination) of their members to be (convinced), of certain events. No one needs to be reminded of the many thousands of lives that suffered during the Watchtower's 1975 scandal!
'War of the Worlds' also revealed how the power of mass communications could be used to create theatrical illusions and manipulate the public.
When the Watchtower Society has certain conventions, the theatrical illusions being seen and heard by Jehovah's Witnesses are manipulating them into thinking that they all have a place in the Paradise earth supposedly ahead of them. Yet, when a Jehovah's Witness finds out that they have (no) Mediator (unless anointed), to help get him or her to that Paradise, well then, I am afraid the common rank and file find themselves more depressed than they were (before) their meeting the Watchtower faith.
According to the New York Times, Welles expressed profound regret that his dramatic efforts could cause consternation. "I don't think we will choose anything like this again," he said.
Wouldn't that be nice to hear from the Watchtower Bible And Tract Society? Wouldn't it be
nice to hear that they are (sorry) for their false prophecies, lies, deceptions, abused children, and innocent deaths? Millions of people have said that it would be nice to hear a sincere apology from the Watchtower, but I have also noticed that (not) to many are holding their breath!
The War Of The Worlds hoax, and the Paradise hoax of the Watchtower Society hold many things in common, but in reality (both) deceived, hurt, and are still causing wide-spread false-hood for their uninformed listeners!
War Of The Worlds Hoax and Jehovah Witnesses Paradise Hoax! Submitted by: TowerWatcher