I just spent some time reviewing the brothers and sisters on the jw connect website. With all the advice witnesses have received for the past couple years on internet dating and chat rooms I'm surprised that the site is still up and seems to have a lot of posters with many of them very recent.
I came away with the following impressions. First, it seemed that the majority have a full-time job and either went or are going to school (by their age I think that means college). Some of them only talk of Jehovah and his organization and some others never mention it. In an organizaton that is so loving and close knit I can't believe that so many have had to go this route.
It appeared to me that most of the posters are more liberal than I would have imagined. I sort of felt sad for them. I mean, to them they are liberal free thinking individuals who love Jehovah. But, in reality they are totally controlled and anything but free thinking liberals. To them liberal means going dancing at a club with friends or not studying their WT for Sunday's meeting.
I felt especially sad for the ones who stated that they were once out of the truth but realized how bad things were in the world so they came back. These are individuals who may (like many here) have experienced the policy of shunning and not been properly prepared for life in the real world. It's dificult and takes time to develop a network of friends who like you for who you are and not what religion you are.
In the end, I felt like these were people who long for the type of relationship the WTS hold out for True Christians. But, because the love in the congregations isn't what it used to be or because there just aren't any brothers/sisters who meet their requirements they are going the quasi-disobedient route and posting on the web.
I also felt like some of the brothers/sisters aren't as strong in the truth as they would like to appear. Obviously, if you're posting on a dating website you aren't completely a drone.
Has anyone every used an online JW dating website before? Any stories? Anyone you know on the rolls?