Has anyone else seen the movie Saved!? I watched it last night with Mr C and although many aspects were extremely funny, some were so cringeworthy too!
There's one scene where the head of the "Christian Jewels" gang tells all her to laugh and look like they were having a good time to try and convert the bad kids to Jesus by showing how being a Christian is such good fun! I remeber doing a similar thing - I also remember constantly being told off from a small child and into my teens that my "long face" was bringing reproach on Jehooba's name. Because JWs were a happy people.
Never was I asked why I was so miserable. I remember when I was 9 my mum was mortified as one oft he mothers at the school gates took her aside to say she was worried about me as I always looked so tragically unhappy and did I want to come and play with her kids. (What a lovely mum!). I was taken out of school not long after - probably in part so worldly people wouldn't have to see my "long face".
Does anyone else remember doing things specifically to try and attract people to God or being told to do so?