Is there a list of the names of subsidiaries, partially or wholly owned owned by the WTS. I have been looking at the list of beneficiaries of the "Faith Based " outfits that willl benefit from the recent program started by the Bush administration. I am wondering if the WTS is benefiting from this program thru another name. Possible?
by Phil 6 Replies latest jw friends
I think they'd actually have to do charity work to be eligible for those grants.
Thanks for the immediate reply. However I am looking for the "unknown " names that the WTS would use that I would not recognize, in other words an Alias. I know that they do have many corporations that they own that I am not aware of. I thought there would be a list that has already been made that identifies these corporations. Particularly those that would like to reap the benefits of the government "Faith Based Initiative".
I seriously doubt that the WT has "hidden" alias' corporations. Probably the only ones are the ones they have let the "faithful" know about. And all those new corporations are really only to protect their
assesassets against law suits.Besides, the WT has never done anything charitable for the public as a whole to even quallify for those "Faith Based Initiatives".
Well GW Bush is one of the Bible thumpers in Washington. He seems to think that he has a direct connection to the almighty. I find it hard to believe that none of WT HQ hidden stuff has not leaked out some how. They certainly are not honest and truthful.
The quotes site lists a large number of corporations held by the Watchtower, explaining that isn't affiliated with them:
This site is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by:
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania,
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.,
International Bible Students Association (I.B.S.A.),
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain,
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada,
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses,
Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses,
Kingdom Support Services, Inc.,
Watchtower Export Services & Trading (West) Ltd.,
Watchtower Enterprises Limited,
Watchtower Enterprises, L.L.C.,
Watchtower Associates, Ltd.,
Watchtower Foundation, Inc.,
Watch Tower Convention,
Watchtower (U K) Ltd.,
Watchtower Ltd.,
or any other Watch Tower Society affiliate, division, corporation, or entity. -
Lady Lee
- Help Please - New Borganizational Structure
- NOW What is the Watchtower up to? [corporate names]
- Articles of Incorporation Changes
- A Short History of the Watchtower Organization
I haven't checked all of them but take a look and see if it has what you wnat