Hey SIMON-is this site growing?

by BoozeRunner 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • BoozeRunner

    Hi Simon,
    In astra's thread the questio was posed as to whether the internet is making a difference.

    My question to you is, "How quickly are the ranks of registered posters growing on this site?"

    My bookmark brings me right into the Main Forum, so I dont usually check the numbers.

    From numerous posts, we see persons who state that they have been lurking for awhile before they decide to register.

    Can you give us some data on this? I thnk that info in it self can shed light on the influence of the internet on JW's.


    p.s.Is there a way you can add a "Visitor" counter?

  • BoozeRunner

    Simon, are you there?

  • larc

    Hey BR,

    At top of any page, go to the top where it says "All forums" and click on. At the top of that page, on the top right hand side it shows the number of registered posters. By the way, when I came here last December, there were 350.

  • BoozeRunner

    Hey Larc, ty for the help.
    I know where that info is, but I havent kepy up with the numbers, thats why I was posng the question to Simon.
    However, your info about the December numbers answers my question. :-)


  • Simon

    Yes, there are always new people joining to post but I think a better measure is how many people visit (as opposed to how many are brave enought to join in ).

    We now get just under 30,000 visitors per week (based on unique IP addresses) with about 1,000 refered from other sites or search engines. Of course this could range from 30,000 different people each week to just one person visiting 30,000 times (in which case it must be logical )

    It had been growing quite steadily but has been level for the past 2 weeks or so but no doubt it will increase again.

    I try and plan ahead to be able to cope with the traffic that I'll be getting in 4-6 months time so I have some time to do something about it. The update I'm working on now will allow us plenty of room for growth for the foreseable future at least.

    I'm sure quite a few of the longest registered ones rememeber the 'good olds days' where we'd have one or two new threads per day... ah...

    Hope this answers you question.

  • BoozeRunner

    Thanx Simon for that info, and congratulations on an excellent forum!!


  • bboyneko
    Of course this could range from 30,000 different people each week to just one person visiting 30,000 times (in which case it must be logical )

    thats about 178 visits an hour every hour 24 hours a day for 7 days. Pretty impressive.


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