What with the job I do and possibly my internal make-up, its really quite rare that I see something that I find moving. However, seeing Bob Geldof bring on the beautiful African lady who had 10 minutes left to live 20 years ago, who has now finished her agricultural degree in Africa and has grown up due to Live Aid's efforts, I felt I had to post something here... So if you haven't been to www.live8live.com and signed the electronic petition then stop whatever you're doing and DO IT NOW!!!!!! I like a lot of people am not too sure how this will change things for the better, but if it makes one person live a better life then who are we to complain about that? So spend a minute of your time to add your name to the long list of people and lets get some pressure applied worldwide to G8. Then lets hope they take note of it.......
by andy2tanx 7 Replies latest social current
It's been very good so far, it was moving seeing the woman who was the little child so close do death.
Green Day have been the best performers so far.
Green Day were good, but as I sit here I am now getting blown away by The Killers straight after Snow Patrol. god I wish I was there...
You - Moved? Surely not! I wont tell anyone.
I was pretty moved by that beautiful african woman too.
I remember you going down Dewsbury and collecting for Live Aid too, sweetie. You were only young. I thought it was very radical of you, seeing as how Jehobahs wishwashers werent supposed to care about charity and stuff, as god was going to sort it all out. Well hes taking his time, so hats off to saint bob and everyone else whos not willing to wait.
You - Moved? Surely not! I wont tell anyone.
I was pretty moved by that beautiful african woman too.
I remember you going down Dewsbury and collecting for Live Aid too, sweetie. You were only young. I thought it was very radical of you, seeing as how Jehobahs wishwashers werent supposed to care about charity and stuff, as god was going to sort it all out. Well hes taking his time, so hats off to saint bob and everyone else whos not willing to wait.
Okay, I'm feeling totally warm and fuzzy now!
Great post, katie ...
Happy Guy :)
That was very cool bringing the Ethiopian woman on stage. She looked fantatsitic and happy. Living proof that the effort is worth it.
At the show we were getting live feeds from all over and I think the most memorable, moving and passionate moment was when we were all getting the live feed from the Mandela speech.
He has such a presence. Because of his past struggles and the fact that he has become such a powerful public speeker he carries a presence as strong as the Pope.
Being in the crowd and seeing everyone's reaction (not just at our venue but worldwide) to his speech was truly unbelievable It was having a massively powerful reaction amongst the crowd. If this Live8 gives momentum to a lasting effort on this particular subject then it will go down in history. Twenty years from now people will recollect it in the same way people are moved decades later by the words of Martin Luther King.
How come Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe wasn't mentioned at Live8?
City Fan
Highlights for me were The Who, The Killers, U2 and McCartney, and Green Day in Germany. How come that Dido woman who can't sing a note was given 3 or more songs to do, almost sending the audience into a mass coma, and the Killers only did one.
Also made me laugh seeing the Kaiser Chiefs in Philadelphia. I'm not sure the crowd there really got them judging by the incredulous looks on their faces.
If it all results in more democracy, better trade and less corruption in Africa then it will have been well worth it. Isn't the offer of writing off debt based on proper auditing to stop dictators spending all the money? I actually did get some sense of hope during the day that something could be done, but we'll see.
Oh, and Mariah Careh's dress was quite impressive too.