During the CO visit

by JH 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    For those familiar with the CO schedual, when during the week, does the CO discuss with the other elders about inactive ones in the congregation? Or when will the CO and his wife be likely to be invited for a meal at some brothers home, or be invited to a bible study with someone?

    Starting Tuesday through Sunday, what's a typical CO schedual? In other words, is there a specif time during the week to deal with specific problems in the congregation?

  • andy2tanx

    As I remember it, the CO comes on Tuesday. The meeting that night is usually taken up with a session of uninhibited arse kissing followed by huge helpings of platitudes with some back stabbing by the body of elders and the CO for dessert. The following day, after having serviced the wife (missionary position obviously) leaving dirty sheets for the homeowner to sort out, he will then proceed to the field service arrangement, whereupon all those with kids will be frowned upon for being 24 seconds late and having grubby days text books. All shall go out for at least 4 hours whilst he enjoys a round of nibbles back at the house, whilst making notes on the dvd collection of said homeowner. Along to another poor saps home for what can only be described as a 5 course Sunday dinner, for which no thanks will be offered or expected, he will then proceed along with a pioneer or two to some victims home, whereupon he will then harangue that victim into attending a meeting or 10. At the evening pioneer meeting he will castigate the pioneers for not making enough time on the ministry whilst making too much money on the window cleaning round. After all, you only need $40 a week to live on. thats all he gets, the brand new car is a gift from god!! At the following evening meeting, he will enjoy another round of arse kissing, which is much needed, after all, he has been eating rich food all day, and his ringpiece is REALLY itchy. He will then proceed to bollock the congregation for not spending enough money on the kH or giving it to the Society. How can the governing body manage on a mere 4 billion a year? After all, they have overheads!! The days will carry on in much the same vein, the only differences being the table he eats you out of house and home at, and the colour of his tie. His wife will simper and giggle at every inane joke, even though she has heard them all at least 10 000 times before. Its more than her life is worth to not do so. He will then proceed to give a public talk on Sunday, invoking everyone to buy into the gash served up by the WTBTS and implore them for more money. He needs a new car soon, his is really dirty and no one has offered to wash it. After making a couple of promotions within the congregation, publishers to servants and servants to elders, all depending on how well they manipulated his ring he will then say goodbye, only pausing to comment on how the garden of the KH needs more high maintenance plants, not those unsightly flags and tarmac. Rubbing his hands in anticipation, he then proceeds to his flat for a couple of days, no doubt concentrating on rogering his doormat of a wife whilst thinking about sister Jones and her heaving bosom!! That answer it for you?

  • greendawn

    Great satyr Andy, the WTS is all about control with so many levels of hierarchy, that's what really interests the GB to perpetuate their control, the COs are not there to serve the flock but the GB.

  • blondie

    If the CO has been told to concentrate on the inactive people, he might meet earlier say on Tuesday with the service committee (PO, secretary, service overseer) discussing who would benefit most from a visit from the CO. Otherwise the BOE are supposed to draw up a list under the guidance of the service committee and assign elders to call on this people anyway. They usually report to the CO at his next visit who they called on and what happened. The CO has limited time and could never call on all the inactive people during his one week visit (actually 5 days). He just checks and makes sure that during the last 6 months that the BOE has been checking up on the inactive publishers.


    PS The elders don't actually have to make contact with each person, just say they tried. Trying might be driving past their house and determining they aren't home; my hubbie calls that a drive-by.

  • JH

    Thanks Andy and Blondie.

    I usually avoid going to the meetings while the CO and elders are giving a show.

  • Frog
    He will then proceed to give a public talk on Sunday, invoking everyone to buy into the gash served up by the WTBTS and implore them for more money. He needs a new car soon, his is really dirty and no one has offered to wash it.

    Oh Andy that was all brilliant, give us more! Looking foward to seeing you posting round the board in future with your great sinacle ex-dub witt

  • orangefatcat

    Yes sir that is all it is, show show and show. Lets see, like Blondie said lets show the CO how many shepherding calls we have made this past week or two before your arrival. I love what hubby calls its Blondie, drive-by. That is so true. Lets see now lets show the CO that Sister SOand SO is having problems with hubby, better check it out to make sure they aren't divorcing during the CO visit.

    Lets show the CO we've visited Brother and Sister not so regular at the meetings that they were being thought of and that everyone misses seeing them at the meetings and in the service. Now is there anything we can do to help you get to the meetings more. Yes dear brother buy us a car that works because no one can drive us to the KH with a family of three and go out of their way to help while our heap is falling apart at the seams. Oh is that the problem? Well lets show the CO that we can help this family get to the Hall at least for his visit, after that they're on their own.

    Lets show that CO that Sister W idow is being encouraged and help her during her period of bereavement, like bringing her meals, or help her go shopping, seeing to it that she has enough money to pay her rent and buy food because Brother Dead Now didn't leave any insurance for wife, believing that 1975 would be the end of this wicked world. No one told him it was 2005 and obviously the Big A is not coming . But we'll show the CO we truly are tending to widows and fatherless boys. BArf barf barf. LIes LIes LIes.

    Lets show the CO that the newly engaged couple are stay ing clean before Jehovah and the Congregation. We wouldn't want the CO to think that we are negligent in making sure high morals are uppermost in this couples life. So please don't fornitcate during the CO's visit.

    Lets show the CO we haven't had to have any Judical Committee meetings because everyone in the congregation is so good. No one is over drinking, over eating, committing any major sins, and we have everything under control. Next week we'll disfellowship Brother Sinner for being an apostate. Oh no need to say anything during the CO's visit. Why spoil our track record now and any way in six months we well have a new CO.

    Lets pretend to let Brother CO know that PO is doing his Christian duties and eldership well and when the CO reports to the DO he can inform the Society and everyone will be happy, well.....except for Sister Widow, Brother and Sister Soon to be M arried , and Brother's Family who needs a ride to meetings with his family and Sister Irregular is coping with unbelieving husband even tho he beats her black and blue and Brother Apostate will be dealt with next week. We have a wonderful healthy congregation.

    Lets show our CO how much we love him by giving him some money and a contribution for gasoline and wear and tear on his new car. Clothes for himself and his wife. Lets show our love by clapping our hands. No isn't that just a bunch of BS.

    Oh how on earth did I stay for 38 years a witness and not see the hypocrisy then.

    Oh I know I didn't want the PO to tell the CO who would tell the DO and then it would get back to Society and then they would write my elder DADDY O..

  • Es

    This is usually done at the elders and ministerial meeting which is usually held either at the start or towards the end of the visit es

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Hey JH,

    When I was being groomed for substitute CO I was shown a form, dont remember the number, that CO's are given to fill in with thier report to the Mother of a Society. It had a checklist including ..."visited ? inactive ones. ______Sick ones. etc. Rank and file don't know the CO has what I call a "Love expressed quota to meet. I thought it was pathetic that of all people they have to be told to visit the inactive or sick.

    "Look into my eyes!!!! Moooooooooahhhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhhh!"


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