Yep. I was sweeping the front porch with vinegar and water ; When some angry yellow jacket stung me near my neck. I now have what looks like a second head growing on my shoulder. But no anaphylactic shock or anything thats supposed to happen. Apparently I should go into the poisonous snake handling I would make tons of cash. Or I'd get the one varmint with the Panda Poison and
Bit Again --- the animal kingdom is against me.
by Panda 3 Replies latest jw friends
Does vinegar and water have something to do with keeping yellow jackets away, or were you doing that for another reason?
Hot water and hot vinegar help to keep the grass and /or weeds from growing up over the tiled porch. Maybe the wasps don't like the smell? It's pretty common down here.
I had a cousin who nealy died after getting stung by a wasp, he was afraid for a long time to go out to the country side. He then got some really expensive special anti allergic injections which he hopes have solved the problem.
I got stung several times by bees and wasps, once by tens of bees after I accidently disturbed a bunch of them in a tree (they went out from a hive to establish a new colony)but nothing happened to me except some local irritation.