According to the theosophical glossary of Helene Petrovna Blavatsky
Jehovah (heb.). The jewish "Diety name is compound of two words , viz of jah (y i or j, yodh, the tenth letter of the alphabet) and hovah (havah, or Eve)," says a Kabalistic authority, Mr. J. Ralston Skinner of Cinciniati, U.S.A. And again, "The word Jehovah, or Jah-Eve, has the primary meaning of existence or being as male female". It means Kabalistically the latter, indeed, and nothing more; and as repeatedly shown is entirely phallic. Thus, verse 26 in the IVth chapter of Genesis, reads in it's disfigured translation . . . ." then began men to call upon the name of the Lord", whereas it ought to readcorrectly . . . ." then began men to call themselves by the name of Jah-hovah" or males and females, which they had become after the separation of sexes. In fact the latter is described in the same chapter, when cain (the male or Jah) " rose up against, his (sister,not) brother and slew him" (split his blood in the original). Chapter IV of Genisis cotains in truth, the allegorical narrative of that period of anthropological and physioloical evolution which is described in the Secrect Doctrine when treating of the third root race of mankind. It is followed by chapter V as a blind; but ought to be succeeded by chapter VI, where the sons of god took as their wives the daughters of men or of the giants. for this is an allegory hinting at the mystery of the Divine Egos incanating in mankind, after which the hitherto senseless races "became mighty men . . . men of renown"(v.4), haveing acquired minds (mans) which they had not before.
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