Happy Independance Day!

by kwintestal 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwintestal

    Dear Americans,

    Today I wish to you an enjoyable Independance Day as well as a great 4th of July!

    Many years ago, the founding fathers decided that they wanted no part of the evil British regime, and it's no wonder why! Afterall, why pay taxes to a King when you can just pay them to a President. And could you imagine if all Americans spoke with such a funny accent?! That would just be too much! Not to mention what they'd look like with bad teeth! It's bad enough that you have to get boob-jobs, tummy tucks and face-lifts to keep up your image, but if everyone needed dentures that would be just unbearable.

    Thank you for being free! And may this Independance Day turn into an In depends Day!


  • dh

    say goodbye

  • JH

  • kwintestal

    Something I had neglected to add, is that I really think that it was by amazing foresight that your forefathers saw innovative ways to save money. One example of this is by ommiting letters from different words such as in color (colour in the UK) and neighbor (neighbour in the UK). Latest reports indicate that over the course of this being implemented, it has saved Americans a total of $239.41! Not to mention increasing the average grade of an American student by 1% as they have one less alphabet combination to remember.

    This is what Independance is all about! Good for you!


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