It was stressed time and again how the FDS in the body of the GB are to be obeyed. A speaker said the FDS only gives suggestions/direction/guidance. Three minutes later he's saying that if we don't heed the "suggestions" offered by the GB, it is tantamount to disobeying Almighty God. I'm all for obeying God-- each of you has the free will to agree or disagree. But to say, very stridently I might add ( and perhaps it seemed more so this year because I was listening through the filter of opened ears) that the GB is equal to God was startling to me.
What struck me the most was the drama where Philetus tells Timothy that Paul promotes his own ideas over God's; that he's never been married yet presumes to give married folk advice; never had children, but becomes an expert on child rearing; had a solid education yet now tells the people to not pursue what he himself enjoyed--- it was like reading the criticisms on this board of the GB--- it was as if they were answering the very issues raised here, only through the character Paul in the drama. And higher education was so vehemently spoken against. At one time a speaker said that most JW's do not have a higher education and yet they are happy and succesful. His voice rose to invite applause. And right on cue, most applauded. What was telling to me was that many did not applaud. How can one be happy at remaining uneducated?
In three days time, JesusChrist, the central figure of the Scriptures, only got an honorable mention. There was little talk of love, of compassion, of charity, of hope, of brotherhood, of a common goal towards a common good. I heard no commendation. No thank you. No encouragement. There was nothing to touch the heart. No emotional connection. There was plenty of scripted talk devoid of warmth. Only three speakers seemed to talk to you. The rest were talking down at you as if they were holding the original clay tablets.
All these years I thought I was hearing everything. Only recently have I really learned to listen.