It is very decent of you to come on the board and give the posters another chance to point out the WTS's hypocrisy. Although we all feel it is important that lurkers and questioning Witnesses are informed about the scandals of the society, many don’t feel comfortable bringing them up all the time.
So when you bring these subjects up you give all the lurkers and questioning JW’s yet another opportunity to find out many things of which they may not have been aware.
You are doing a service for honest JW’s.
I understand more and more why the GB forbids loose cannons such as you to be on the net. You really do them a lot of damage.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you
Thank you rambaldi
by yesidid 2 Replies latest jw friends
I couldn't have said it better. Thanks Yesidid!
He just doesn't realise how many JW's benefit from his posts.