Yahoo has thrown it's hat into the search engine corral. Try it @
What do you think of it?
by Satanus 5 Replies latest jw friends
Yahoo has thrown it's hat into the search engine corral. Try it @
What do you think of it?
I think they are trying to google google.
Google is King!!
What's the difference between this and the old well known yahoo engine that dominated the search field before Google overtook it?
At a first try I'm not impressed!
Looks like I'm sticking with Google for now, the 2 main reasons
I can tell it to search just UK pages if I want.
Yahoo seems to want to break up words for me even though I put them into inverted commas so there was a lot of useless info in the results.
I'm not a computer technogeek so give me simple any day! Long live Google!!
In answer to the person who asked what the difference was:
Yahoo was not originally a search engine - they were a directory - a site full of lists of links to other sites, all of which where added by humans who reviewed links to make sure they were in the right catagories, checked for spam (ie. sites that offered no content, just tried to sell stuff), and in general kept things nice and tidy. When you did a search, it would spit out the catagory of links that was the closest match.
The search (which is integrated into the search box on Yahoo's home page as well) is fairly new (6 months +/-) and it uses web bots that search across the web and compile a huge database of websites and links with no human involvement. Then, the search ranks sites based on Yahoo's internal algorithms and when you search for a word it spits out what it deems to be the closest match.
Before they offered their own search engine, but after they stopped offering just the directory, Yahoo was displaying Google's search results when you did a search there.