Hey Honey. I got you a couple of loveseats for our trailer
by xjw_b12 7 Replies latest social humour
POs Son
OK, I'll add a caption. "Well, I tried to put in thru the window..."
Big Dog
Let me tell you a story about a man named Jed....
"How much further to the camp site dad?"
redneck furniture movers..
my question is..whats the cadilac doin in that neighborhood? buyin dope?
"Hot damn! Got me some new patio furniture!"
The dudes in that car look like terrorists. A new method for bomb delivery?
I should have added this is the parking lot where I work. Ive been taking picutres over the past 2 years and someday i'm going to publish a mini photo album of all the wacky things that have gone on out there.