Thanks Google

by Simon 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Just noticed their home-page has a ribbon & link ...

  • Fatfreek

    Duhhh! I don't get it. I used your link, went there, but could see none. I went there in both text and graphics version and could see none.

    Is it some kind of special link on that page to list casualties -- or stories of casualties?


  • RichieRich
    I have just attended a meeting of the Government's emergency committee. I received a full report from the ministers and officials responsible.

    As sad as this is, I bet Dr. Who was there. Or at least Sean Connery.

  • katiekitten

    Its sad, but im not going to pretend its sadder than one child dying every three seconds from poverty.

    Or any sadder than children living as slaves in sweatshops to make me Nike trainers and Gap jeans.

    I was kind of hoping our prime minister was going to climb out of bushs back side and get some good agreements at the G8 on aid, and fair trade and climate change, but now hes had to fly back to London instead. Hmmm.

    And all those stupid protesters fighting the police are hardly giving the Make Poverty History movement a good name.

  • talesin

    Is everyone accounted for? Anyone living / working in the city?


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