I'm off to see a midnight showing of the Fantastic Four. I'll let you know how it is....although I have low expectations from it. From the previews it looks like they have made Dr. Doom somewhat of a bafoon instead of the Evil Mastermind he really is. Later!
Fantastic Four
by EvilForce 9 Replies latest jw friends
I finally went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith this afternoon, so got my first peek at the previews for Fantastic Four. I guess I had low expectations for that movie, so I was pleasantly surprised that the preview looked as interesting as it did. Hope it turns out to be a good one, Evil.
Normally I do not care for these type of movies, however, this one looks good.
Yes, I'm really interested to see what folks think of this movie. I loved the X-Men ones, especially #2, and hope this flick is reasonably good.
Looking forward to your 'review', Evil.
PS, any movie lovers out there who know of Brian Linehan?
The movie turned out to be much better than I expected. The group of 6 of us gave it a better rating than War of the Worlds. So I give it a strong 5.5 out of 10...maybe a 6.
Hey EF... you're still up?
Thanks for the review...I'll take my kids to see it.
Sorry about the 6o9 bit... It tears me up...
I really do wish I could fix it... It's like when a couple you've known real well gets a divorce... you listen to both sides and still don't know what to do....ackward.
This too shall pass.
I just hope no "lurkers" are "stumbled" and miss the point of JWD... to expose the truth about "the truth" and to help people shake the shackles of the bOrg. Not a forum of petty differences... as it sometimes becomes.
u/d (of the ....(speechless)....class)
Yep I'm still up. As you may remember from my posts I don't sleep much. I've asked the Admin in the past that if he has a beef with me I'd be more than happy to discuss it with him. But as I have not heard I assume I'm just as welcome to post here as everyone else. If Simon asks me to leave, I'll be more than happy to tip my hat and move on to other things. Thanks for the support.
Assuming your kids aren't too young I think they will enjoy the movie. -
I can't wait to see this movie! I grew up watching the cartoons of the F4. I love Dr. Doom.
I found War of The worlds so scary and thrilling i still keep having flashbacks. Its the noise that the aliens tripods make that just freaks me out. Every time I hear something similar I start to panic. Its been a long long time so I was so affected by a film. However I seem to be getting more senstive/ga-ga as I get older...
Every time I hear something similar I start to panic
Crumpet...you wuss!!!
I know what you mean though it was a great film...completely enjoyed it...and like you said 'never a dull moment'.