great night

by tsunami_rid3r 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    wow this is like a blog now..

    sum it up. late for a friends show. showed up. "she" was there. but i met someone new. did i do it to get her out of my head or because it just happened? forgot her name, but i got it again and her number later. is this slick or what? i say "again names chris and yours?" but wow, now that i think about it...what do i really want? a friend, a date, a fling? ever heard of the 2 day rule? should i do that? like call her sunday just to hang out? should i bring another chick? yea ive never done this because im too scared to get into a relationship. there. i said it.

    also went out to eat with everyone, then they went to the movies and i went to another friends house. i want a car bad. and trust me i dont talk like this in real life. i havent mentioned the new girl, i met tonight, to anyone. i wonder if she thinks about me like this.

    oh yea, a poem i wrote. i dont know who or what claire is. but the title is:


    claire, forever searching for you
    wanderer, passer by, oh its so true
    unwritten words, feeling the blur
    i'll never give up, cause i need her
    claire, girl if only you knew
    vague and vandals, morning dew
    midnight skies, flickering fireflies
    i've been searching, with no surprise
    drive the mind to the edge
    drive the streets to pledge
    stranger in the world unknown
    stranger now that we've grown
    claire, forever lost in ocean blue
    the days went, while the night grew
    stranger, tell me secrets untold
    bring me to ease and break the mold
    claire, you're just a street
    the street i'll hope to meet
    street signs, flash and bright
    claire, you're out of sight

  • JV

    Dude, you're dying for a girlfriend now you're afraid of relationships?, jesus h christ, just ask this new chick out. If you don't start showing some initiative you're going to end up a lonely old man who gets too much excitement from the latest issue of the Victoria's Secret catalogue. Sure rejections sucks ass but somebody's bound to say yes.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    wtf are you talking about? me and this chick talked about guitars and other stuff. and then i went outside to call someone, then i saw her. so i go up to her and tell her we should hang out and got her number. i just never had a real relationship before. and im lost now. being a jehovahs witness all your life where dating means marriage doesnt help at all. im lost lost lost lost lost lost. give me a map. point me to the right direction.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    heyy why cant i see my own topic in the friends forum??? i need help here. please.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I liked your poem Tsunami. I say do the the three day rule - its kinda money. DON'T bring a chick with you.


  • tsunami_rid3r

    should i plan for whatever or just let it flow? like i was thinking just now to call her up monday, and talk about the concert that my friends are putting on and seeing if she wanted to go. if she says yes then thats cool.

    no fancy date stuff, maybe it wont even be a date i dont know how she thinks of me. but maybe just go to concert and stuff then grab a bite to eat at a nice burger joint thats around this awesome park and street. if all goes well, should i walk her up to her door then maybe kiss her if its the right moment?

    if she cant do it friday, then ill just ask what are you doing saturday, and then sunday. if none of those days work, then ill say something like whens a good time for you? if it happens to fall on any day then probably just go to a concert show or something and same plan as above.

  • GetBusyLiving

    tsunami - you are scaring me dude .

    Just relax, ask the chick out in a few days, be cool and as interesting as you are on here.. and let the chips fall where they may.


  • La Capra
    La Capra

    If she says she can't on Friday, then ask if she wants to do something else some other time, if she says yes, ask her when.

    If she doesn't want to go out with you, she'll either say no, or you won't be able to pin her down. If that's the case, move on.

    If you ask her out, then you should have some idea of what to do. (If all else fails, movie and coffee and dessert.)

    And yeah, wait a few days between phone calls, there's no rush. It's not like you have a wedding to plan, or anything.


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