Me, Jh, and my bf are going out the night before the apostafest! If anyone is around and would like to join us that woud be fun! A few beers, and a few games of pool! Maybe a swim at the motel in Marshfield? Could be fun!
Anyone want to party on the 22cond before the apostacheesefest?
by ButtLight 9 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe not too many posters are from Marshfield...
JH will be in Marshfield signing autographs.......
Anybody want to come?
Maybe some posters who will be in Stevens Point for the party might want to travel some 30 or 40 miles to Marshfield and meet us, and have a few beers at the local bar...
Maybe not too many posters are from Marshfield...
No, but the surrounding area can come also!!!!!!
If I can travel 1200 miles to get to the Party....whats 30 or 40 miles, right Buttlight...
So, nobody wants an autograph???
I'd love to come and drink and pass Where are all of the Cheeseheads tonight??
I'd love to come and drink and pass out
I'll pick you up kitty....
I would but I'll be busy getting all the last minute details in order. Gotta save all my energy for the BIG DAY!!
I had hoped to clean my windows, shampoo the carpet, rid all corners of cobwebs, clean under the sofa, wash out the fridge, clean up the garden, fumigate my son's room, finish a landscaping project(s), etc. None of these have been or will probably be accomplished since my DAMN KNEE IS KILLING ME! (Yes; please feel sorry for me and understand why my house won't be spotless)! (ANXIETY ATTACK!!!)
So...I am going to overcome my tendency towards being an OCD'er...and rest my knee so I can enjoy all my friends.
But I hope you guys have fun the night before but some of your energy for the BIG DAY!! We need you all alert and sober so as to party, party, party.
And I'll get my autograph from you Mr. Rat when I see you Saturday. HA!
Big hug...cathy l.
Damn Mumzy,
You dont have to do all that for just little old me! JK! I always have enough energy so i will be sober and ready to party away on the big day!