At the DC's which I assume are all pretty much alike-
The main theme is obedience, meaning to elders, co's, WT, etc. which equates to being 'obedient' to jehova. One and the same.
The other main theme is college is bad. The drama is basically about how college is not a 'wise choice'. More fs is always best. And don't forget to have the 'no regret' interviews.
The people getting dunked have given up having Jesus being their mediator, they now have the 144,000 and of course the elders and such. They are now baptized in the name of the org, not only the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. (did they even leave the Holy Spirit in there?)
The people going to the dc's could be considered 'spiritually weak' if they- do not stay at approved hotels, eat out instead of packing their own food, even if it's 95 degrees out not wearing nylons and appropriate shoes, suit coats & ties a must. The list I'm sure goes on.
Repetetive words are par for the course, and most jw's will never even notice. Blaming the rank & file for any problems they may have in their life. Causes? not enough field service.
As 'godly' as they like to think they are, the dc's are for some a meatmarket of sorts. Vanity is the real issue of the day for many. (I hear they no longer cover the mirrors in the ladies bathrooms, I guess they once did this)
Thinking the elders are somehow 'special' and must be obeyed even if you know they are wrong or really immoral persons. carla