haunted houses...

by in a new york bethel minute 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i was raised in a very strict family. i was not allowed to watch many shows including smurfs, ghostbusters (the cartoon), married with children, in living colour... and i had to fast forward the best part of TOP GUN. we were never allowed to watch horror movies because they were all demonized, but every time my mom and grandmother (who is just as fanatical, if not more) took us kids to a theme park, we would spend half our time in haunted houses, with no questions asked. they didn't give us a lecture first, they didn't even mention the words, "demonized, conscience matter, society, truth..." or any of the like.

    should i count my blessings? did anyone else have this kind of experience?

    bethel minute

  • RichieRich

    Even though its cheesy... these things still appeal to me.

    I love going to them.

    There are several haunted houses that run year round at Myrtle Beach, SC. I always go to at least 2 of them while I'm there...

  • luna2

    It's amazing how people can square certain things with their consciences, isn't it? It's easy to forbid something you don't care much about yourself to children (especially) who are under your control...but if it's something you enjoy, it's another matter entirely. Just slightly hypocritical. Still, I would count your blessings, bethel minute. LOL At least you got to do haunted houses.

  • loosie

    Haunted houses only seemed to matter depending on the group you were with.

    PS: what is the best part of top gun that you had to fast fwd thru? Surely not the same as what I thought the best part was.

    Loosie: (of the I can watch the volleyball scene in Top Gun in slow motion all day, Class)

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    best part in top gun (when you're 9 years old): tom cruise intercoursing the slut teacher from his flying academy

    my mom and grandmother didn't like haunted houses... they didn't go in with us. but they, for some reason, didn't mind us going in

    bethel minute

  • jeanniebeanz
    i had to fast forward the best part of TOP GUN.

    First time in my life that I was actually aroused! lol

    That is a travesty of justice, Bethel. Let's find a good lawyer and sue!


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