supporting homosexual unions . One of my ultra-Christian classmates forwarded it to me. I was 'supposed' to foward my canned response about how dissapointed I am with Nike. Here's the link - hope it shows up.
Nike Endorses Homosexual Civil Unions, Next Step Marriage
<REPLICA 852568F1:0070F698>
<VIEW OF38D46BF5:E8F08834-ON852564B5:00129B2C>
<NOTE OFAE5E8B7E:13D92EED-ON85257039:004AF2C2>
<REM>Database 'Tamara Griffin', View 'Inbox', Document 'Fwd: Nike Endorses Homosexual Civil Unions, Next Step Marriage'</REM>
The canned response goes like this
I am disappointed to hear that Nike has thrown its support behind homosexual civil unions. I will pass this information on to others, and I will find another brand of shoe to purchase.
I hope you will reconsider your support for civil unions (and, indirectly, homosexual marriage), although I doubt very seriously if you will.
But I deleted that and said the following:
This is not the typical letter of dissapointment. Instead, I want to lend my support to Nike for your stand on same sex unions. I am a heterosexual female, spiritual, perhaps even Christian. However, I do not feel it is my right to tell anyone else how to live, or how I think God wants them to live.
Kudos to you NIKE for supporting your employees in their choice for happiness. I trust that your verbal and written support will also include the same benefits for same sex unions as those for heterosexual marriage.
Warmest regards,
Loyal NIKE consumer