Anyone heard from Jst2laws and Joyzabel?

by Crumpet 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    Just wondered if anyone had heard from my two new friends from Florida. I just want to know if their home is okay after the hurricane?

  • blondie

    They were in England at the apostafest when that happened. They watched it on the one US channel Englishman gets. I think they plan on visiting a few more people. I'm sure they had family watching over things. I do wonder if they were in London when the bombs went off?


  • Crumpet

    Hey Blondie - I was with them at Englishmans, but I know they were worried that their home would be there on return. I just haven't heard anything since.

    They were in London when the bombs went off - in fact the only thing that stopped them being at the station where one of the bombs went off was that they had overslept that morning. Thank goodness!

  • blondie

    Little Toe is having a fest today; perhaps they went up for that.

  • Englishman

    Blondie is correct. They're in Bonny Scootland.

    The only US live channel we get is Fox. They watched the storm as it approached PCB.


  • tijkmo

    i should see them tonight...i will tell them you were far as i know the hurricane did not do as much damage as was expected and didnt follow the path anticipated but whether or not that was before or after they expected it to affect their home i dont know

  • Crumpet

    Will you give them a very big hug from me? You can make that a friendly slap on the back for Steve if you prefer!

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