My wife is planning to go to the assembly this year. Shes still not sure about the whole jw thing, so from what I have read this DC should be helpful. When she does go to meetings she just comes home and tells me all the crap they said that didnt make sense. The whole godly obedience thing rally gets her going so when they start talking obey obey obey she will really pay attention lol. By the way I am going too and I will be taking notes.
Excited about DC
by gringojj 7 Replies latest jw friends
Cool, be sure to take along a discreet barf bag
i listened to my daughter telling me about the dc..
after she finished she had stressed obedience to the org many many times.
all i said when she was done was " ya know you didnt mention Jehovah at all..just the org... "
and nothing more.. i just want her to THINK
Oh I plan to listen. I will play a game to amuse myself and keep track of contradictions in single talks. Wait thats too easy.
Ok, I will be practicing open eyed sleep and daydreaming.
Drop hints to your significant other at the convention:
By the way I am going too and I will be taking notes.
Ya, that's what I did.......if you're going on Saturday, try to count how many times they use the word "obedient" or "obedience" during the Daily Text. At mine, these words were used 27 times in about a 10 minute time frame........I'm wondering if it was just the local dork who decided to do this, or if they're all like this.......
Keep a running tally of how many times they mention obedience.
La Capra
I'm wondeirng if the Bethel Boys were sitting around in their plush, leather and mahogony club, in their overstuffed chairs, sipping 30 year old single malt scotch bemoaning how their minyons are no longer minyoning for them.
Then one of them strikes on the idea to make this convention about obedience. "Since they won't obey us, we will order them to obey us at next summer's convention..."
The irony: if they aren't obeying, what makes the Bethel Boys think that ordering them to obey will get them to obey?
At least in the US, this religion is now largely a mass of people who are insincere JWs, trying to do what they want while staying on just this side of the law. Now if everyone would jsut come clean, those who want to leave would still have plenty of family and friends in their lives...
Oh well.