1975..What Happened...

by MrMoe 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    What happened in 1975? Was it the witnesses idea or the society? If it was the idea of the people in the congregation, then where did the idea come from?

    This is an exact quote from the 1966 October 8th Issue of the Awake! Under the article how much longer will it be? under the subheading "6,000 years completed in 1975"

    "In what year, then, would the first 6,000 year's of man's exisitence and also the first 6,000 years of God's rest day come to an end? The year 1975. This is worthy of notice, particularly in view of the fact thatthe "last days" began in 1914, and that the physical facts of our day fulfillment of prophecy mark this as the last generation of theis wicked world. So we can expect the immediate future filled with thrilling events for those who rest thier faith in God and his promises."

    The 1966 Kingdom Ministry said " Never have we felt the nearess of Armageddon and the urgency of our work as we do now."

    Does this point to the year 1975? How would you take that statement? I know how I would! And they claim they never said 1975! What a lie!

    Note Charles Taze Russell said the world would end in 1975 and Armageddon would come. In the 1968 Awake, October 8th I quote,

    "...in times past who predicted an "end of the world," even announcing a specific date.... Yet nothing happened. The "end" did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying."

    Now ask as Christian, ask your self, what does Jesus say about false prophets?

    See Article called What about 1975? By Alan Feuerbacher

  • MrMoe

    Oops-Charles Taze Russell said the world would end in 1914, not in 1975. Sorry about that. Either way, he predicted a date. what a shame.

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