Another interesting part of the booklet:
The religionists and their representatives who publish newspapers, seem to be greatly desirous of having this Society publish its balance sheet. What good will that do to them? They are in no wise interested in this work, but, on the contrary, are opposed and could demand the same only for a selfish purpose. Why do not the Post and other like publications ask the Roman Catholic Hierarchy to publish their balance sheet and to inform the people what they do with the vast sums of money they collect for saying prayers for the dead, and the money that they get by other means? It is well known that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy has property all over the United States and, in fact, all over the world, and the title and control of all this property is at Vatican City, and great sums of money are collected from the people and handed over to the Hierarchy, but no one ever heard of the Hierarchy publishing their balance sheet. The WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY is not interested in what the Hierarchy do with their money. We try to attend to our own affairs which the Lord has given us.
Let this be definitely understood: that no money whatsoever is received by the WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY from any enemy. No political party furnishes one penny, and no one else furnishes a penny save those who are interested in furthering the Kingdom interest.The Catholic Hierarchy, as is well known, in addition to the numerous sums of money collected from the people, use the public funds that are raised by taxation to carry on certain portions of their organisation. The Post is not anxious for the truth, but anxious to do everything possible to hinder the proclamation of the truth.
The Lord's people are carrying forward a campaign for the Kingdom, and all the money received and paid out is devoted exclusively to that purpose and to that end. To be sure, the Lord's hand is not shortened and he could furnish great sums of money if need be, because all the money and all the cattle on a thousand hills are his; but he permits his devoted people to make personal sacrifices and to have a part in the furtherance of his Kingdom interests, including the carrying of the financial burden, as proof of their faith and devotion to him; and all those who are devoted to him, including the remnant and their companions, count it a great privilege to have some part in 44
bearing these expenses. There is no other institution on earth or that ever has been on earth, that does so much work as this Society with so small a sum of money, because there is no one in the organisation who desires to make personal pecuniary profit out of such work or anything connected with it.