It's worth repeating....

by ozziepost 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    For the benefit of those who are new to the board and especially those currently serving as elders, I should like to repeat a post I made late last year on H20.

    In the final talk of the Sydney District Convention given by Branch Committee member Doug King, he lamented the lack of love being displayed to the brothers by the elders. By way of example, he “encouraged” the Theocratic School overseers to be kind and upbuilding to the students. Although a high number of new ones were being baptized, many old timers in the “truth” were leaving. Brothers needed to feel that coming to the meetings was refreshing spiritually. Instead they were being treated harshly.

    In his concluding prayer he asked that Jehovah forgive the elders and that the elders would treat the flock with kindness, not treating them harshly as has been the case!

    In Watchtower language it’s “heartwarming” to hear of such a responsible brother recognising that the elder “class” have been the cause of so much hurt within the organisation and confessing it.

    But what of the individual elder? Does he recognise that he is individually responsible before Jehovah for his actions in shepherding the flock? Or does he instead say that he was simply “following instructions”? Where have we heard that before? After the Second World War there were many who reportedly said that they simply didn’t know of the atrocities being carried out. It was all “their fault” (i.e. others) as it were. And of course, there is the earliest example of blaming others (the org?) when Adam answered his accuser with the words, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree and so I ate.”(Gen. 3:12)

    When the rumoured new Flock book becomes available to the elders, will it make them more responsible individually? Will it rather ‘tighten the screws’ by adding to the rules and regulations for the judicial committees to follow?

    The ‘ground’ is crying out to God in hurt and despair for the harshness of the rule carried out in His Name. This board has documented scores of terrible cases of abuse by elders. They individually cannot evade responsibility for they are all part of a system that has perpetrated such wicked things. A sobering thought if you are currently serving as an elder.

    Elders need to follow the lead of Brother King and apologise to Jehovah before their congregations for their rule of the flock, instead of being loving shepherds. Jehovah himself is loving and will forgive, but repentance is needed.

    Do you think they will?


    "There are two ways of moving men, interest and fear" Napoleon

  • Prisca

    I'd dare say the individual elders who see the error of their way in their treatment of the flock will be far and few between.

    I sincerely hope that amongst the ones listening to Bro King that day, some would have been moved to change their ways. I know not all, but we should hope that some may.

    Are they acting according to instructions? Well, yes, in many cases they are acting according to the instructions of the WTS. However, there are different approaches that can be taken in acting out the instructions. eg. A bro can be offering counsel in the TMS, but doesn't need to be belittling, or harsh in giving the counsel. The same counsel can be given, but in a loving manner, allowing for the imperfections that all of us have. I have often heard elders say things from the platform that would have been more appropriate to have been said in private.

    I have no doubt that if they are repentant, then Jehovah will forgive them. Yet they will have to change their attitudes, and conduct, to show real repentance. If they do change, then there is some hope for those still remaining in the congregations.

    Until then, thousands are at the mercy of unloving elders. God help them.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    You said it! Thanks for the repeat.

    I know that there has to be some lurking elders who will be moved by what you wrote.

    I used to be an elder and as a elder sometimes you are so concerned about being loyal to the WT that you can't see injustice because loyalty to them won't allow you to.

    It takes alot to get out of Mind Control, but I"m sure some lurkers will get the piont.

    I think genuine love will cause some elders to see, that what they are doing is wrong.

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