What is Spirituality, and why do I need it?

by Nosferatu 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I've heard so many people (JW and non) tell me that I need to maintain my spirutuality because it's healthy. It seems I don't have any since I no longer believe in God or the Bible. So, what the hell do I need spirituality for?

  • mrsjones5
  • daystar

    A religious or spiritual belief structure is seen by some as psychologically healthy because it often provides hope that existence has meaning of some sort.

  • JamesThomas

    "Spirituality" is a concept that many people feel needs to be added to them via their beliefs, as Daystar mentioned.

    I suggest rather than believe in something you need acquire that you simply give more attention to the present moment without the overlay of mental judgment and commentary. You may then discover that whatever the hell the word "spirituality" is attempting to point to, you already have it.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    if you experience awe at nature, or the cosmos, then you are experiencing a type of "spirituality", although the word is a junk word of sorts, as Terry has pointed out.

    tell that to whoever says that to you next time, and see what they say.

    i said that to my father in law, and he said: "ya, so do i. but it doesn't end there for me. it continues to god, and doing what he commands." the obvious question would have been "what does god commanding you to do something, have anything to do with spirituality?", but my wife was giving me the evil eye, so i didn't pursue it.

    this is a cool essay on an atheist's sense of spirituality (not assuming you are an atheist, but thought you'd find it interesting): http://ebonmusings.org/atheism/spirituality.html

    and a quote:

    The truth is far more inspiring and powerful than religious mythology. Knowing that the cosmos was not made just for us opens up whole new vistas of wonder and mystery - it makes it all the more surprising and amazing that we are here regardless. Our own existence, and our consciousness of that existence, is a thing so incredible and strange that it alone qualifies as the greatest miracle in our experience. Our life is a glorious mystery, and only by living with our eyes on the ground can we ignore this fact. When one truly understands this, one stands in awe of everything - and that is the spirituality of an atheist.
  • Valis

    Just go fishing by yourself and listen to the quiet...that is all you need.


    District Overbeer

  • Satanus

    I don't think that you need to believe in god or the bible to get into 'spiritual'. Just let go of that bullshit that the church, religion, radio, television and the other media is pushing into tour brain. Then go deeper into your own stuff, or nature, or some creativity, or something of your own.


  • poppers

    That to which the word spirituality points to is what you are in reality. Discover what you really are and you have discovered spirituality - you don't need it, you are it.

    Religions and philosophies attempt to give you what is assumed you don't already have. Though their motives may be good, they are misguided, because their premise is based on a falsehood, the idea of separation from all that is. In their attempts to give you what you already have, separation gets fixed in place rather than seen through. They attempt to enlighten while all the while ensuring delusion.

  • hooberus
    The truth is far more inspiring and powerful than religious mythology. Knowing that the cosmos was not made just for us opens up whole new vistas of wonder and mystery - it makes it all the more surprising and amazing that we are here regardless. Our own existence, and our consciousness of that existence, is a thing so incredible and strange that it alone qualifies as the greatest miracle in our experience. Our life is a glorious mystery, and only by living with our eyes on the ground can we ignore this fact. When one truly understands this, one stands in awe of everything - and that is the spirituality of an atheist.

    Wouldn't it be more accurate to say:

    "The truth is far more inspiring and powerful than religious mythology. Knowing that the cosmos was not made by anyone and does not exist because of any purpose opens up whole new vistas of wonder and mystery - it makes it all the more surprising and amazing that we are here regardless. Our own existence, and our consciousness of that existence, is a thing so incredible and strange that it alone qualifies as the greatest miracle in our experience. Our life is a glorious mystery, and only by living with our eyes on the ground can we ignore this fact. When one truly understands this, one stands in awe of everything - and that is the spirituality of an atheist."

  • tetrapod.sapien

    sure hooberus. it's still the same difference. it's still equally enobling, if not more.


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