The last time there was a "war" online, The Watchtower tried to close down the Watchtower Observer, and they threatened me by suing me, the lot. Gary Busselman wrote this little story, and I guess a refreshment of what he said could be interesting:
IMHO, Kent's no dummy. I gotta think what the Watchtower Corp. would have to bring to a USA court to prove financial damage. . . . their books. Financial records, membership records, gosh knows what else. The "Pay Attention" book would have to be entered in court as evidence, thus making it a part of the court records. Kent could enter the book as his evidence. That would make it possible to simply copy the court record which just happens to contain the "Pay Attention" book. By going to court the Watchtower would be in effect giving away their own book. Once they make claims they must prove the charges with facts and figures or be suffering more exposure themselves. All the information the Watchtower would use for proof, i.e. The "Pay Attention" book, their own financial and other records, must be made available to the party they sue so a defense can be made.
Just think for a minute . . . the Watchtower has to turn over all their financial records to Kent Steinhaug. Why don't I think they will want to do that? All the while the press gets unlimited interviews and "leaks". After the trial the court records will be made (in USA) public information, at least to any other attorney, for a price. Which one of us wouldn't like to get Milton G. Henschel or one of his "officials' representing the FDS under oath and in front of you on a witness stand?
If the Watchtower goes to court with any of us they are more complete fools that I give them credit for. The moves they make are not stupid. Right now they are using strategy that here we call "saber rattling". I have done this as a scare tactic more than once to intimidate wimps. Most people, when they get a letter from an attorney go all wet and warm and turn into agreeable sorts quickly.
If this was a legal chess game the Watchtower made a well thought out and very smart move. They threatened the provider for the provider for the target (Kent). The provider who got the letter is well removed from Kent. If Kent gets a letter himself, which just may happen, that will change things somewhat. I can't think that the Watchtower would be that stupid. The dumbest thing for them to do relevant to this issue would for them to take their own book, "Pay Attention", and their own financial records to court. They can't take anything of Kent's to court. The only thing they have to take to court is themselves. They are not stupid. They know this.
The interesting thing for me is the players. The Watchtower, who claims to be the only direct representative, and prophet, of God's on all the planet earth, and Kent who does not. For the Watchtower NOT to violate one of it's own printed principles in this event looks like it will be very hard. For Kent to violate one of his printed principles looks to me to be just about impossible. The Watchtower has much credibility to loose. Kent on the other hand has much credibility to gain. The Watchtower is making Kent Steinhaug a true prophet.
Compared to the giant multi billion dollar Watchtower Corporation empire, Kent probably couldn't afford to buy all the guys breakfast at Bethel on a slow morning. Yet he has their attention, big time, and they have confirmed their vulnerabilities to the world. They are saying that they want the whole world to read half of their books and they are saying now that they do not want the whole world to read the other half of their books. Why?
Yakki Da
"The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses: