Well, the circuit over-queer gave another stirring discourse, inciting the congregation to action... i can't remember the exact title of the talk but it was summink to do with taking delight in Jehovah's righteousness...
He started off by defining Jehovah's righteousness as his laws, his statutes and his commands (we all know where this is going now don't we?)... He then went on to cite a few examples from the bible of ones who have proven to be righteous in God's eyes.
First was Zachariah and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist who according to Luke 1:6 were declared "righteous before God because of walking blamelessly in accord with all the commandments and legal requirements of Jehovah.". (Its really getting tiring, the society's focus on commands and legal requirements and laws, it really is like how they portray the Pharisees... if i wasn't an atheist i'd overturn their money changing tables, and start my own religion).
The second example he used was from 2 Peter 2:7 and talked about how "righteous Lot" was delivered. He then asked what was it about imperfect Lot that made Jehovah declare him righteous? Sodom was a morally degerated city which overflowed with immorality and homosexuality. He then went on to downgrade homosexuals and complained that they march up and down, parading through large cities, expecting some kind of.... RECOGNITION? (he spat out this last word with a simultaneous scowl and look of disbelief on his face... ooh scaaary... gays looking for re-cog-ni-tion)... anyway righteous Lot kept moving his camp closer and closer to the city of Sodom while Abraham moved further and further away. (Gen 13: 10-13) Eventually he decided to move INTO Sodom itself (Gen. 14:12)
Why did he do this? Why did he decide to move in with Sodomites? Why did righteous Lot stay in such an immoral, debauched place?... well, he explains, maybe it was his wife "oh Lot dear, its about time we get a mortgage, and i'm fed up of living in a tent, i want a ceiling and designer wallpaper"... (his attempt at humour)... or maybe it was his daughters "oh daddy it really difficult to find a husband in a tent, we've seen some 'nice-looking men' in Sodom" (yeah, fat chance in finding a bloke in Sodom, i thought all the "nice-looking men" of Sodom were batty-boys, from young boy to old man)
Anyway Jehovah decided to destroy Sodom and the two angels shouted at Lot's family "Get out! Jehovah is about to destroy the city... and Lot yelled at his sons-in-law to "Get up and go out from here, GET UP"... but his son-in-laws looked upon him "as a man who was joking". (Gen 19:14) He compared this to the situation in London now, the bombings in London tell us that the end is near. (So did Jehovah cause the London bombings as a warning for it's homosexual population???)... Last thursday, here in this very city of London, Jehovah shouted to us "Do more in my service, DO MORE", but come the next morning we just blended back into the same old mode, the same old spirit, as if nothing is happening... and we shout at people "Get out of Babylon the Great, GET OUT" but people look upon us as if we are crazy (hmmmm, i wonder why?)...
Finally the c/o went into all that Lot had lost... he lost his wife who turned into a pillar of salt, and his Sodomite sons-in-law (still trying to work that one out) and most of all he lost his Mercedes and large stately home in Sodom (another futile attempt at humour), he was reduced to living in a cave with his two daughters... (or put another way, he was reduced to screwing his two incestuous daughters drunkenly in a cave)...yet he still was declared righteous by Jehovah... ahhh, righteous Lot, what a fine example for our day...
Finally the example of Moses at the waters of Meribah... (Num. 20: 7-13) 40 years hurding sheep in the desert at Midian, 40 years leading this "stiff-necked people" through more sand... (and Moses just makes one small "tip of the slung" and Jehovah says he can never ever experience the Promised Land that he's waited 80 f**king years to see, i know i'd be livid, but then again i'm not the "meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground", *sigh*). So what was Moses reaction? Moses' dying words in Deuteronomy 32:4 were "The Rock, perfect in his activity, all his ways are justice, with whom there is no injustice"... (are you sure Moses penned those words? Hmm... would he really have been able to get out a huge scroll on Mount Nebo and write "i lived for 120 years then DIED and Israel mourned me for 30 days"? Hmm... you think that's air you're breathing? Hmm)
Anyway finally he came to the crunch, the real reason behind the talk. How can we be declared righteous by Jehovah?... Proverbs 11:25 "More happiness in giving than recieving" (dubspeak for "donate more to the contributions for the world wide work")... Hebrews 12:11 "No discipline seems for the present joyful, but grievous, yet after wards... it yealds peaceable fruit, namely righteousness"... Who would go to hospital to get a vital injection, then run out screaming from the hospital when the nurse says "This might hurt a bit"? No ou would stay knowing that the short sharp pain would lead to the benefits that the innoculation will provide later (dubspeak for "be obedient to the elders and don't complain when the elders discipline you")... Psalms 110:3 "God's people will offer themselve up willingly on the day of your military force... company of young men like dew-drops" bla di-bla blaaa... (dubspeak for "volonteer to be an attendant, clean the stadium or scrub the toilets at the next assembly").
Thanks for listening all, i just had to write it all this down, so i can get it all in perspective after a whole two hours of indoctrination and guilt... especially after a convincing talk from a circuit over-queer who is quite talented at public speaking and at stirring the audience into a frenzy of applause...
dorayakii of the "they'll never get my mind" class... (breaks into the chorus of "fear not those who kill the body, but cannot destroy the soul"... aaarrrggghhh)