Proposal for Annulment of Dedication and Baptism

by Bluegrass Tom 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bluegrass Tom
    Bluegrass Tom

    I was baptized in the mid-1960's. This is 40 years ago. Things have changed doctrinally since then. I am contemplating creating a document that lists all the differences in WTB&TS doctrine from the 1960's and today. Such things as the questions asked at baptism are different today (this is what a person verbally agreed to), 1975, the generation, blood, organ transplants, education, voting, membership in the UN as an NGO, the light getting brighter, etc. The basis of my position is that the doctrine of the religion is substantially different than what I was initialy taught and agreed to. Therefore there are changed conditions by the WTB&TS, not by me. This should allow the relationship to be terminated (annulled) without disassociation. As a matter of fairness the WTB&TS should institute a process that allows annulment under certain circumstances because they keep changin their positions on many areas of doctrine. This impacts peoples lives and feelings.

    I intend to develop this document, and take it to a lawyer that specializes in this type of religious litigation. There are several I have found. My goal is to try and institute a process and policy of a negotiated annulment for any who can justify annulment in lieu of disassociation. If this has to be litigated, so be it. Disassociation is too self-serving to the WTB&TS, and only socially damages the one who disassociates themselves. The practice of disassociation is unfair in this instance, since they changed, not me.This could possibly apply to others who are in this situation (being associated for a substantial period of time) and didn't sign-on for the doctrinal point of view that exists today on the part of the WTB&TS.

    If anyone can assist with references from the publications, give ideas in the changes in doctrine from the 1960's to today, or input on this general philosophy of mine, I appreciate your help. I don't want to exclude any changes that were made. I want to have a comprehensive listing with examples and references.

    I know that this will be a difficult undertaking, but I feel that I may have to try.

  • rebel8

    For one, the baptism questions were changed. I don't have a specific reference for you off the top of my head, but it can be easily found in google or maybe at the quotes site. Then there's the blood flip-flop. Then there's the change in the definition of "generation" which means basically the end of the world is not necessarily going to come in our lifetimes, though previously they published the book saying "millions now living will never die". Check my web site for a link to that book and any other info that would help. Keep in mind they also said in the late '60s that kids shouldn't enter college because the end would be coming before they'd finish college.

    I think it's a great idea to do this if it will give you a sense of closure, catharsis, or some other type of positive emotional experience. Just don't expect anyone at the WTS or in your old cong to be could happen, but probably won't. Also be aware they can still announce you DAd yourself, whether or not you agree to it. It's their house and they can do whatever they please.

  • potleg

    I think it's a great idea and totally justified, but I don't think the WT will go for it. They are an organization that exerts tight control and total obedience, any change in policy must come from the top down. What is easiest and most expedient for them? get rid of any and all who will not toe the line. Get rid of the irritation either by difellowshipping or disassociation.

    The Watchtower isn't a democracy etc it's a totalitarian dictatorship that has no time for us. they are always on the lookout for an organizational purge so they can say...see how jehovah keeps his org clean. No love, no compassion. no humanitarian feelings...just the big black org with the cold heart.

  • Ticker

    I hope you can do this and set a precadent because it one could annul their baptism from the Org. I would be first in line and cease all acknowledgement even on paper that I ever was connected with this religion.

    Problem is though its a high control group. If you look into the psychological methods employed by high pressure control groups they never leave a honourable way out, never give a good excuse for leaving. When one chooses to leave they are always classed in the minds of the group as weak, sinful, lazy, decieved, or some other dishonourable reason. You can not leave these groups with your honour intact. They purposefully destroy the credibility and dignity of the one leaving so that it is a continous reminder to others what happens when you leave the group. Another lovely thought control and indoctrination tactic brought to you by the Watchtower society.


  • cruzanheart

    I was baptised in 1965, and here's the baptism "oath" I took:

    (This is from the yellow "Lamp" book -- hope it is legible; if not, I'll try to redo it.)

    I'll be interested to see your finished product!


  • skyman

    This has been tried before and not successful maybe this time it will be. Reason given is things change for ex: The constitution of the U>S>A is not the same today as it was two hundred years ago. The U<S<A is not the same as it was. The Society's Lawyer bring out that just like a citizen you have the right to leave anytime you want if you do not like the changes in your country.

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