Reunion after 9 years apart... An Ozzie tale

by misspeaches 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • misspeaches

    I just wanted to share with you all my experience from Friday night.

    From this board I encountered a poster that used to be in the same congregation as me some time ago... BlissIsIgnorance. I am sure that many of you know her.

    Well I made contact with her and after a few hiccups I went to reunite with her and her hubby (who I also knew for many years) at the home where they cooked me a beautiful meal.

    I cannot begin to describe what an elated feeling I had when I left their home. We got on well years ago when we were in the same congregation. But now with all the barriers down, not worrying about doing something wrong in case you stumbled someone or got dobbed into the elders.... Well it was a brilliant night. I can't wait to do it again.

    Anyways I am just gushing over it. And wanted to tell you all about it. I never thought that I would reunite with someone again but here I am. The longer I spend away from JW's the happier I am becoming.


    Hey girlfriend....................the feeling is mutual! Mr Bliss and I are so happy we reunited.

    It was amazing on Friday night, how after a few minutes and 1/2 a glass of Cab Sav, it felt like we'ld never lost contact. The conversation just flowed and we had a great time. Ditto......

    I can't wait to do it again

    This forum has helped me become reunited with at least 5 people I knew from the borg. It proves that with the individuals intelligence, emotions and experiences plus forums like this one, many are being saved from the WTS cult.

    Even though I don't post as much as I used to (due to a very busy life) I still believe this forum was what helped me more than anything AFTER I stopped going to meetings. The reassurance from others that I wasn't going mad, others knew what I was talking about and had similair experiences, I found sincere support and love here..........all vital factors in attaining peace and joy after the horrors of the borg.

    Misspeaches.............I can't wait to catch up again.............maybe a shiraz this time, just for something different! We'll toast to past friends, new relationships!

    Speak soon ok luv................Bliss

  • misspeaches

    Oh dear.. you have me gushing again...!

    Okay luv - I'll sort it out with the boy and we'll have ourselves a grand old night...

    Maybe one day the circle will get bigger even... fingers crossed!

  • candidlynuts

    this is wonderful to hear! congrats to both of you.

    the older i get the more i can see the value of true friends..its a great thing!

  • ozziepost

    Maybe our paths have crossed too, Peaches?

  • misspeaches
    Maybe our paths have crossed too, Peaches?

    I sent you a PM...

  • outnfree

    I just LOVE hearing stories like these! I am hopeful that a dear friend of mine will one day also leave the Borg and we will have a similar fond reunion.

    Good on ya, misspeaches, BLISS and Mr. Bliss!


  • vitty

    I often wonder if there are ppl here that I know personely, but how do you find out?

    Its such a small world in the org, im sure I must know someone

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