Does anyone have any idea of how many dubs there are wandering around the KH that don't really believe it is the truth? I would think a lot but is there any way of knowing what the percent would be? I have seen cases where the husband didn't believe and the wife didn't believe but they kept their true feelings to themselves for years out of fear. These ones eventually left but I am wondering how many choose to stay and go through the motions. Just the thought of someone doing this makes me cringe but I think there is a lot of this going on. There is a huge price to pay if word gets out they don't believe and I think there are a whole lot who aren't prepared to pay it.
Faux Dubs
by I quit! 5 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
I think it really depends on how many in their families are also in the borg and whether they're close to 'em or not. Many slowly fade or just become/remain inactive in order to keep from cutting those family ties with the die-hards.
There sure seems to be a lot of people leaving the Borganization, so my guess is, LOTS of them are finally at the end of the road, as far as being faux dubs go. I know a few friends who have gone on for years, myself included, wanting out, but fearful at the same time. Fear of the unknown, the "outside" world...fear that we will lose our families, friends and all we've known, for the bulk of our lives.. Finally, the pressure is too great, and the time comes, where we have to make that leap....we have to get out in order to save our sanity....before it really is too late.
Truthseeker posted this interesting thread relating to that here:
I really liked this post.
I believe after they changed the generation definition in 1995 a lot of dubs lost interest in the org and were left with the feeling that they had been taken out on a long ride by the FDS. Since the end was now indefinitely postponed there was no longer incentive to stay in.
The railway personnel keep telling the passengers waiting at the station the train will come soon in 10-20 minutes, and then they suddenly say it has been postponed for an indefinite period of time. -
Nathan Natas
Take a look at the attendance for the Memorial each year, and you'll be on the right track.
Witnesses like to believe that those people who fill the Kingdom Hall are all local Catholics, Buddhists and Scientologists who are "drawn" to the Watchtower message, but the reality is that most of them are lapsed and guilt-ridden people who had some prior contact with the WTS - enough to buy the concept that the WTS are god's spokesmen.