I just came across this website, I have a good friend who is finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, he has been through alot being involved with WT organization, I patiently (sometimes) waited for him to see for himself what the truth was. I never said too much thinking it would push him farther in...........
by gladdy 7 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, Gladdy.
How is your friend doing? Is he anxious over what he is finding out about the organization?
Welcome Gladdy , any light at the end of the tunnel is a awakening.
Nice to see you here Gladdy!
Have You Seen My Mother
Welcome--you will learn a lot here. See if your friend wants to join us.
thank you for your response. my friend is very timid about moving forward and is reading different posts. It reminds me of thirst, the more he finds out, the more he looks.... I am so thankful, I just hope and pray that he does not crash. Do you all celebrate different holidays? I think he is scared he will get a visit from the elders, that is the point he seems to be at. Can't wait until we all can get back to normal lives. Could be worse I suppose, he never let go of his non jw family and good friends, even though we could see the stress at times, we knew he was being made to feel guilty over everything about life................
I think he is scared he will get a visit from the elders, that is the point he seems to be at.
Just him thinking that gives them more power over him than he realizes. the best way to get over that is to learn as much about the deception the organization has been involved in over the years. Then he'll see what a sham the whole religion is and the fear of them will melt away. Once he's can predict how they'll react to any given situation, he can formulate his very own conversation stoppers.
But fear of man should be the least of his questions.
The biggest question should be why would he want to worship a God whose only solution to upholding his so-called sovereignty is to worship and love him or he will kill you. You'd think that the supreme being of the universe would be more original.
... any light at the end of the tunnel is a awakening.
And a very rude awakening when you find it's a TRAIN!
Welcome Gladdy. It's nice to meet someone so supportive who hasn't "been there".
Leaving the bOrg is a scary thing for many people. "Just what if they're right?", "What will I do about my family?", "I don't want any of those nice people to think so horribly about me, I'm not a horrible person." "What about the friends I've made?" and so on ad nauseum.
We're here for you and your friend.