I think that it works quite well.
A 50 - 50 split between 'postates and and ordinary folk at fests does have some distinct advantages IMHO.
Plus, the 35 + Never Beens at the WSM fests all now know about JW's. They know that there's more to being a dub than not having a blood transfusion. They've met the 35 + ex's in a social situation and know all about shunning and family splitting. Plus, I know for a fact that when they get called on in the "ministry work", they really let fly and tell the bewildered dub all about the special barbie they attended where they met dozens of ex-JW's in their home town and what was all this horse-shit about 1975 anyway?
Whaddya think? Is a fest comprised solely of ex-dubs just a little too intense?
Is it better to mix it?