Apostates And Never-Beens At Fests Together.

by Englishman 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I think that it works quite well.

    A 50 - 50 split between 'postates and and ordinary folk at fests does have some distinct advantages IMHO.

    Plus, the 35 + Never Beens at the WSM fests all now know about JW's. They know that there's more to being a dub than not having a blood transfusion. They've met the 35 + ex's in a social situation and know all about shunning and family splitting. Plus, I know for a fact that when they get called on in the "ministry work", they really let fly and tell the bewildered dub all about the special barbie they attended where they met dozens of ex-JW's in their home town and what was all this horse-shit about 1975 anyway?

    Whaddya think? Is a fest comprised solely of ex-dubs just a little too intense?

    Is it better to mix it?


  • Valis

    Oi! Greetings me olde fruit! I would say it really doesn't matter. It is IMO more a mix of good personalities than anything. I would say though that it is better for ex dubs for sure to have a mixed crowd. That way they aren't just going on about JWland, but they have to use those social skills and interact with people they would most probably never speak to.

    BTW, wanting to come and see you all badly... Please tell Richard I said hello and send my regards.


    District Overbeer

  • Buster

    I brought my wife to one in in Vancouver, Wash. a couple years ago. I tried to prepare her for it. She is pretty affable, and I didn't spend much time on it. She knew much of the more ludicrous teachings and practices, and she was not going to have any difficulty with the variety of people.

    It was a nice afternoon at DakotaRed's place, with about 20 to 25 people. She was particularly amazed at the stories of intra-familial shunning. Especially at a story of a former City Overseer that left over a combination of conscience issues including child abuse and a convention parking lot scandal. When I heard my wife relate how his own son won't speak to him or let him see his grandchildren, I realized that she finally got it - that it was much more than silly people doing silly things.

    She did get taken aback at one point. Someone brought up mastubation in open discussion. In that mixed company, many of whom were new aquaintances, we were both uncomfortable. Aftwerward, I explained what a big deal it is to JWs and that the open discussion seemed to be part of the healing process. I would suggest preparing 'never beens' for that one.

  • gumby

    I don't see any harm in your idea Mike. Most people who do not know of the policies within the Organisation or the EXTENT of those policies.......are more than eager to listen to us explain the beliefs to them....such as shunning.

    I can also see where it might benifit in ways you mentioned such as "schooling" non dubs about dubs so they can rip a dubs arse apart next time they call at their door. Kinda like an anti-dub campaign.

    Apostofest do not ALWAYS consist of talking about dubism and our past lives inside of it anyways......so their company wouldn't be much different. They also probly have some good stories they know about dubs that might be entertaining.

    Me personally....I won't associate with worldly people so count me out.........................................................you satan fence sittin, pagan, heathen drunken bastard!


  • hubert

    I know that at least one of the non-dubs was shocked at the horror stories told about the j.w.'s, at the N.E. Apostafest.

    I think it's a good idea for some non-dubs to be there, so they can hear firsthand what really goes on in that cult.


  • jaffacake

    I'm an over-35 never been and I would like to attend some day, please.

  • jgnat

    As a "never been", I have one complaint. In company of ex-JW's, they insist on giving me a run-down of the terminology, the politics, and the various "ins" and "outs" of the society.

    They don't check first how much I know, but assume ignorance.

    Or maybe they are desperate to have a sympathetic ear? I don't know.

  • hubert
    They don't check first how much I know, but assume ignorance.

    Or maybe they are desperate to have a sympathetic ear?

    Jgnat, I think it's a little of both. Especially, if it's one on one.

    We were talking in a group, and so some listened, and some talked, but everybody had something to say now and then. It was very enlightening, even if you heard some of it before.


  • vitty

    Buster, I can understand your embarrament with the open discussion of masturbation, but as this topic that is discussed the KH,(in detail) from when you are small, its not a subject many witness`s are afraid to talk about publicly. No matter how inappropriete Its a hard habit to break maybe

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